:fttap gou ijJabe 8 Happp JSeto Hear 21 n expressing; JJeto gear’s (©reelings tljere is a special tljougljt- jfor tljc loyal members tuljose sympathy anb interest Ijabe bept tljc tnorb nlibe. Jfor tljc Ijigljtoay commissioners anb engineers luljo Ijabc obercomc So many bilfirulties. Jfor tljc nebjspaper fraternity for its spirit of Ijopcfnlncss anb Ijclpfulncss at all times anb for toljiclj full tribute can neber be paib. Slab for tljosc toljosc larger contributions Ijabc often Ijelpcb tibe tljc tuorb ober tlje sljoals. ^nb a 50cojefpcroujef <©ne! HEADQUARTERS. SAN ANTONIO. TEX MEZZANINE FLOOR. GUNTER HOTEL