*Fun&E were sent from the Hast in January and February to help carry the Headquarters work until the- 1322 income from the Hast should come. The Managing Director was in unorganized and unv/orhad. territory. He freed the San Antonio office from any of his eastern expenses, and eastern fluids therefore "belonged to the Hast- Nevertheless advances to JEsEtLquartnrs the San Antonio office were justifiable, provided the funds were available fk'v1 .wn.hk wfcnea w^^;he»rp Jnnnypp_ ivro.r overt.. But this is another instance of biting the hand that feeds you.' The net amount to S.A. from the Hast is ‘:595 53 plus yl'50 00 personal money given Lir. Colp following eriea of distress (and by him straightway entered as OST funds) and plus -$250 00 (still due in return to H.H.Ayres, personally), sent in response to aiidfetrHss an imperative telegram, to pay rent.,, plus -)50 00 paid for letterheads for the office. - Total,. :,';v;3i5.53 y .ifes-ASEotx^??' _ \—V • •is”. C.y .i ' -i v It" . " . • v- nuaitors sh aw :. , b v o ns y t c, c <,■ ,-uV ■ __n.