A pbbO ffow ilezlGO J'osilln, Park, Laa Cruces Hodoo Ben Bernardino Valley Sen Pedro 'Giver, Tuoaon, Santa Crus Valley, Srmtr. Catalina nto* fTasa, Gila TUver, Yuma 9 Colorado Hivor,/rir,-nal*11 no, Sp. Gel If oral SI Centro, SI Ca^on, San Diego, Si;C center oiling provioieiia. Pro-) rfeuztocd eoShoon* ,c , .,. .y.ct , ot. Jonopv Other form, Santiago. Host rivora and numerous geographical div.la.loaa in the Southwest carry Spanish names or corruptions of the Spanish* >ld stroote and local names are Spanish at St* Augustine, Pensacola, San Antonio, El Paso, 'Guo a on. Son Diego mid the other old oourmmitj.es of the Southwest. french prevails in street, city, town, end county names from Mobile, Ala. to Lafayette, La, 3po Sp» 3p. yp 0 Sp, 3p* 3p© 3"Oo 3t> o 'Jiltl o Paae. Originally ;;i Paso del Horto, Fobs of tho north* , Originally La I’osills, a ©nail tablo !or tableland) ' • ' 2ho oroseoo. '* A InoloCTU’o for oattlo* ; St* Bernardino. 3t. Potnr. v Holy Cross* 3t* Catharine f3tmtr..feminine fora) t; piateon. :’]p0 fora Indian tribe name* Rod. 5p. 3p, 3p»