K. J. CllAMTON. Propriety T. I.. UK AH, >1m nutter Shingles Mantlet* Blinds Doors Sasli Lath Montgomery, Ala., A.ril 30, 1917, Palmer Pillans, President, Old Spanish Trail, Mobile, Ala, Dear Sir: Hardware Fluster Cement Brick Puiul Liuie Recently vie organized and incorporated the Horth & South national Bee Dine nighway Association, the Charter fixing the route wi ich is from .Nashville to Columbia, xJulaski, Decatur, Cullman, Birmingham, Montgomery, Selma, mobile, Dew Orleans, Also a branch froaji Montgomery to Florida, via Dothan to Tallahassee, We are getting our printed matter and would like to show what we ooniiect with you at mobile and Tallahassee, at least that part of it from Mobile, east to Pensacola, Tallahassee and Florida Peninsula. We are taking the matter up with the Dixie Bee Dine Highway which runs on a bee line from Chicago to ..Nashville, giving the mo3t direct and bee line route from Chicago to The Culf. We believe that it will be to our mutual advantage to assist each other in some manner. Would be very much pleased to get your advice on tne matter. C^iAAy' President. H & S national Bee Dine Highway ns'n. Copy to Mr. Stewart a. DeBlanc, Seoy. Old Spanish Trail. Yours truly,