' silence in the face of these actions. It has been the policy of this organization to bond all field men; wO reoulrc sit checms to !>o ii'ido payable to the Assoclotion and remitted to the office; to have clearly defined contracts with the aon; t enter all transactio-e.s or the Gash hook arc to ledgorizc the accounts; to deposit and disburse the moneys accordire to the constitution of the Association; to use the assets and income of the Association to pay .its obligations; to .v-ar.V. the ' lighv/ay accord I'." r to carefully prepared specifications: to build up a service- for ..v-bcrl end'for the traveling nubile; and to keep clear of all advertising schemes and exploitation of friends. In this period of usurpation those policies have been ignored. Whether this has been because of business stupidity, or from more discreditable motives I v/ill not attempt hero to prove. Data or this subject is in hand • A few illustrations -..111 bo raffle lent hero: Before I left for thO .herb wv s-.-a to be Issued containing all needed travel ir format Ion» ..els vas siU" liar to the stria rn'o idea of' other parts of the country, so handy for •JH'XUJKaa-’t V Pa.- -;;. r n» + m-itfifi % 7 gfr—v jr*» Vheeo, if prepared as planned, 7/ou.ld have cost "00 GO for printing 10,000, and' the additional cost 'of a man over the route-section gathering the travel information and enough revenue- to pay costs. hero arc calls from all over the country for such Information f erf. travel will be attracted to the Highway when it la available. The GUI is j.-ol yet ready for a complete Log Book. the .lection :iups for the I ex.:.. hair Line should have been ready for last summer's travel, and all forms and touicJLana should have been ready fer the fall tourist movement. ■ five re is. nothing difficult about these section map plans for any !••• ielligent man. A man was storied out in : arch arc* given 75;' cor: -lesion or his collections and the 031 car- On my return in August V found o.n. advertising abortion' just off the press representing to be this section map for the fan Antonio—Orargo section'. ft contained no travel information. The crude maps were rrong Inaccurate, 'he printing was fall of errors, and amateurish, and a reproach to the organization. ThrecOfourtho of the advertising la fron nor.-saorabora, yet this work was intended to develop a service to members by bringing the;1: o-rd the travelers into touch arc! by proving that the organization woe- working for them'. Fet possessing intelligence enough to got out the travel information planned this advertising stuff r/as printed.' in the expensive colored covers of the history booklet. by phone", the print .trig office stated the account duo as about 01580 00 flic- the auditors tried to chock up this aolicltorie accounts a long list of adjustments were found necessary of items not on the books of the office, amounting tv eovarol kundrod dollars. The advertising coxjy for the section, -ur Antonio—-HI laoe is probably in the same nixed"up condition.