August 15th, 1924- Bishop Jeanmard, Lafayette, Louisiana.. Dear Mr. Jearmiard: Our Managing Director, Mr. H. S« Ayres, advises of your subscription for membership support to the Old Spanish Trail work. V7e enclose invoice. Your cooperation is appreciated. It is also pleasing that hereafter we will have the help of Lafayette. The Old Spanish Trail organization has been in existence for nine years. During this period constant and expensive promotion work has been necessary to make it a federal highway from the Atlantic to the Pacific. This has been achieved. Construction is being pushed all along the way. The marking is completed thru Louisiana and other -states. How we must gather and print travel information, and draw the tourists into the GOT territory. Hr. Ayres has given his time during these hot months trying to plan good printed matter for Louisiana. He reports splendid cooperation across the state, and also that his visit in Lafayette was very pleasant. Yours very truly. TREASURER, OLD SPANISH TRAIL .ASSH. LNw/b