Dear Sir: IMPORTANT and IMMEDIATE Re: Coastal Military Highway. Will you kindly bring this matter to the IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF YOUR OFFICERS, DIRECTORS AND ACTIVE COMMITTEE, emphasizing the importance to YOUR OWN COMMUNITY, and favor us with a. definite statement of jrour attitude at the earliest possible moment. A concerted movement for a Coastal Militar3r Highway, embracing the cities on the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific coasts and including the Mexican Border, might, at any other time, savor of "pork barrel" legislation. AT THIS PARTICULAR TIME IT BECOMES A MOVEMENT OF THE GREATEST IMPORTANCE IN NATIONAL MILITARY STRATEGY. The present conflict in Europe is being fought, as has been pointed out, "on gasoline", which means that good roads have made the army mobile, enabling tremendous bodies of troops and artillery to be shifted with amazing rapidity to strategic positions in such numbers as would be impossible as promptly by railroad. It is stated by authorities that THERE IS NOT A SINGLE ROAD ALONG THE COAST OF THE UNITED STATES that will permit the passage of a 20 ton loaded truck from one fort to another. Many coast cities are active in seeking important, but almost entirely local, projects of this nature. Here in Mobile, we are pointing out to the government that there is no means of land transportation between Fort Morgan and Fort Gaines. But the great need is NOT LOCAL; it is NATIONAL. The great War Loan of $7,000,000,000 makes its solution possible now, though it may be impracticable later. MEMBER OF [ CHAMBERCOMMERCE UNITED STATES AMERICA NATIONAL HEADQJiARTXBS HIGCS ouxomc, WASMIKCTON.D.C. J ^ - - —&