'.lay :3th, 10.24» iu% Jo'Ui 0. dieholson. President, Meridian Highway, IJevCon, Jtanc-ao. Soar Hr. ilieholson: Yours of uho 3rd received* I! \/ouid think .'-'rea .'hilly r.ore than any Okie could handle the Mcxionn work if it can he handled at all, I do not think the 3c n Antonio Chamber of Ooiuiaerao couIm holy* hot ■because they '.vovlcl not In interested, but because they are not organized for each vv:k, Mexico has mountains and dosorts as well as political conditions to contend with, and vie. here arc up1 to ret wrong ideas us to whet is possible down there. persoiii-.llj , 1 laiov/ just about enough to feel that I could not have very much of ai opinion unless an extensive study was nads of hourcun conditions oil tho yround. 13lis trikes ne think that possibly Mr. Holly would be the best adviser. Apurooiuting your letter, I am Very truly, .................. ctor. HmA !*° -lVres> ' 03 P Managing birecot.