Don L. Stewart Scc.-Trcas. O. S. T. Campbellton, Texas March 23, 1933. Mr. H. B. Ayres, OST Headquarters, New Orleans, La. Bear Mr. Ayres:- I regret very much not being able to send a delegate from this place, but it seems as though we will not be able to do so. We would be very glad for you to give us all the consideration possible while in your consBntion with reference to the extension of the Old Spanish south from San Antonio to the lower Sio Grande valley. We have recently gone before the Commissioners5 Court of this county and they have given us the assurance of the fact that the'.' are with us for the extension of the highway and that they have promised us that they will, in the near future, go before the State Highway Commission and try to get what monies we have matched with State and Federal aid and as soon as they have done so let a contract for the extension of the Highway, south from P1 easanton to the Live Oak County Line, Wishing you every kind of success in your meeting and trusting you will be back in San Antonio in the near future and that I c?n see you, I am.