SOU£3 MAKXXKG. She »oQ, white ana yellow color narking io wry astletie* £fee fi?f anfi the ji..^90 at a alternste& 012 the color backgxoant* She 014 v'panish Wall noa© ■wa€,,ho~"p*osei:?©<1« ”1**0 »90** is siaply & s»» ofcas>laal nanbsr with no kunan interest* She l&nooln Highway is aiow 'owing nark®5 with carefully deaignsft oonesete mattose. She oia Spanish Sr ail should lock f om&rtend the plane better and will be note ready to Help t»nfi tc aclviee. \:a • national headquartere will hove its plows more definitely undos .jtoofi and costs Kioto clearly optima tail.