WeDN ESDAY A l-'TERNOON ADMINISTRATION WORK—2:30 P. M. At........................ Mr.......................Presiding Action on the adoption of the map of the OST system as now planned and recommended. The policy of (lie management has been to plan for the intelligent development of OST territory and to open the fields of ancient Spanish effort to (he traveler who follows Old Spanish Trail guidance. The History Booklet gives the historical hack-ground. 1. Florida—Action on agreement with the Dixie Highway Association and Florida leaders for the OST to waive claims to routes to South Florida and for the Dixie Highway to waive its claims to the OST trunkline from Tallahassee to Jacksonville, and to establish, for historical consistency, the OST terminals at St. Augustine and at Tampa. Presented by Fred W. Marsh, OST Vice-President, Florida. 2. California—What shall be the official terminal in California? 3. Texas Borderland and Mexico—Action on the South Texas military extensions and Mexico connections; Divisions IN and X, added since last convention. Presented by W. R. Perkins, OST Vice-President, South Texas. 4. Arizona — Action on Tombslone-Nogales-Tucson loop. Presented by A. I-I. Gardner, OS'! Vice-President, Arizona. Historical reasons shown in History Booklet, Division VIII. -9 — liPisiiii;