ebadquarters os do ekf cor very v f r. ARE C0LLECTI0F3 REMITTED IF PULE •JHEoss ard iWDn so their owit accouft? A Shrove for some time has he on allov/oS to indorse chocks and convert money to hhasclf, remitting ox-ay 20. to the office. Thompson has been allov/od to convert ancl retain funds. 0 ARE THERE Uj^UIJi’II.TS'D OBLIGAIIOIIS DUE BY YIELD . T.jL j?0R WHICH TREY hAW AU25:iPY 3E25T RAID, ADD IE SO WHAT 10 THE 08® LIABILITY fllBREUITDRR? A Ji will probably cost ,1000 to prepare and print the 30,000 nans’ ./iy.rt cho tr^wcl iwj.oFi&xkjLo.n Iv-.t/C*Btlod, to perrors other service Xntonded or promised the people, There is also a printing account for 10,000 booklets printed in connection with this work; these arc so crude ar.fi ignorant, even the sponsors for this crudity dory their ro-spoonsibility. It .is not' clear what of this service throve was to perform. throve has boon overpaid hia 7Cf oor-u.'-iosion and disclaims any further responsibility. " The booklet, printed, contains none or the travel information intended, nor anythin" to really justify the thousands of dollars ‘given by'the poo;;.!©, " this travel i-^oxnation was to have been steady for the eu imer r • Shrove was expected to mark the whore- ucoded.’ loot of the narking had previously boon done. ..hero inspected, throve’s marking is not according to specifications and (11 o the bc'klot) is so careless it ia a reproach to the organisation. It will coat more to correct this narking than if no marking had been lone.by him. 9 WHAT If E TOT . . 03 US DS 30 t OT P tC IT ' 10 vb WITH THE PROtEST. OP SERVICE TO ~M REEDER-iD. '7IT : E 7 riERVICE STILT. XttTsS'JTDEHED? AFD UHAT U0J3'.Y IS TT T-rf. THEA3TJUY OR A t)CTD TO lEiTORE THIS S': RVIC33? A The r>ay- Antonio office lias had, since -‘aruvry 1. 1922, over 13500 0 On September 0, 1922 the ban . balance was '17 84 It will require •’4,000 to 85,000 to pay existing neglected accounts, be re-check, prepare, print and issue properly the section maps with travel information promised, to correct"improper marking, and to carry the office until some means arc found to obtain new funds for this liability. WHY DID THE BOARD Ob DIRECTORS 0! TEG CIE'ERE R OP CO" H-RCE AT EL PASO REEUOE TO ;JU PORT OR IT’DO REE THE OST ?OR POBDS? . A A so-called budget was submitted El Ease which was justly condemned. -iBiot '’budget" was improper, unauthoi'lsed arid not worthy the approval of thinking men* CCM5KFT----the conduct of the office and the service of the organisatic has degenerated into a happy-go-lucky state. Established policies, protective methods, adoptod standards, etc., have been ignored. -embers have not been protec tod by the service sought to be extended; or. the contrary members of long standing, and loyal communities, have boon^discriminated against, and the spirit builds loyalty in organisation a lias beono cast aside.thai non might put extra dollars in their pocket3.