japp'octAN CROSBY CROSBY MOTOR CO. N Authorized motor service. Storage. OST Headquarters. DAYTON DAYTON MERCANTILE CO. Groceries, dry goods, and gents’ furnishings, the best to be had. , HAL’S PHARMACY” Drugs, sundries, soda fountain, OST Headquart. E. G. HARRINGTON’S GARAftlf Oldest established and most dependable service in Dayton. Street exclusive FULLER’S. CAFE-Sm.e„Ti« Cafe. Tourist’s comfort assured. '}\ SEAP® MOTOR CO o Overland garage and service station. Day and Night attendance " Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers. Phone 867. W. B. ROAN AUTO COiiiSSrCk" Reo Speed Wagons. 24 hour service. 2—‘^““O^NGE' PLANTER’S MOTEL- Proprietor ( LIBERTY LIBERTY HOTEL Lunch room, cold drinks, comfortable rooms, reasonable rates. BUCHANAN’S GARAGE Tires, gas, oil, accessories. Mechanical work at all hours. Honesty our motto. NOME MRS. NETTIE WEAVER r Genera! Merchandise, cold drinks, luches, Tourist’s (rest. Filling Station. - NOME GARAGE- First class mechanician._> * " BEAUMONT UNN BROS. MOTOR CO ££?* Distributors for East Texas. Igaation Service Station. ' r PL Europan Plan. Rates $1.00 up. Centrally located. , HILL MOTOR COo Green Ave6&^Third St. Authorized Ford Service Garage and Filling \'t Station. A. W.FABRA AUTO SUPPLY CO. „ Phone 205. Magnolia and Laurel Street.A Bay and Night Road Service. Filling "Station,. accessories. pMNK BATTERY C0.-plLSoSst .> Standard ignation systems. The Home of Service. GOMEZ CAFTk."11 comfort our motto. c. G. MOFFAT & COrmo s‘-- ^ Pierce -Arrow cars and Service. wXwmT ___ Phone 4145. (Wayside) Travis ft McKinney Star. / .. —---------------------- tiarnsburg branch ' 1018 / f HOTEL BEAUMONT Beaumont s Million Dollar Hnf.pl pyuppIs to-- \ . ■jy V/ A ludlltiy vl j Beaumont s Million Dollar Hotel expects open middle of July. „ PLAZA H0T&- " £T°?a" £Ia,XRooms $1-00- With bath $1-5° Heart of/the City. ®top» When in San Antonio at I® Xe HUTCHINS San Antonio s Korernost Hotel.