or impediment be put in the foundation of Guana- Yaooa. 1QC( ^ "■^je3'-ad en que manda a la Justicias de la Habana apremien al llayordomo de p r,.e"?of>' Clara,para que di la3 quentas que le pidan las Rcli_;iosas. ^ e u_a O; his majesty command ing the Justices of H vana to ur^e to the Major doiao of the ionics ox Daint Clara (I make it somethin- about the fifth that the Religious beg.) oedula de su ,.:a^estad para que los Capitulos Provinciales y intermedio,se celebren en la Cijtdad de San Augustin de la Florida. Cedula of his Majesty about the Chapters Provincial and interludes ,celebrated in the City of St.Au0uotine of Florida. (Capitujos Provincial may mean Provincial Assembly's) 1722 Cedula de su ,'ajestad ,al Governador de la Habuna para que le informa si conviene el que saque la piedra pare la Capilla Mayor ’.e cl Oonviento ,y de los inconvenientes cue se le ofrieron, teniend de siempre presente su Ma0estad la reprensentacion ocha por el Convent®. Somethin^ about stone for the greater chapel of the Convent. Cedula de su ,'ajestad qn cue manda al Governador de las Provincias de San Augustin de la Florida,que el Funeral annual. Cedula of his Majesty contend to the Governor of t%e Province of Florida ,about the Annual Funeral. 1724 2 Cedulas about concediendo a mission of yO religious at Son Diego de Mexico. Cedula de su Magistad concediendo la limosna de Vino ,y Azeyte,a cinco Coziventos de la Florida,por quatro anos. conceding the alms of wine and ? to five Convents of Florida for four years. 0 '1725 Cedula about y2 religious San Biego Padre Fray Nicola;: de Lefardi principal. The above translations -.re made with the aid of a didtionary,aay not be correct as I know only a little Spanish ,from uoinw over old documents and usin^ a dictionary. These were the first documents listed for sale relatin to the Franciscans, in the catalogues of Garcia Rico Co. of Seville. Some of them are several pages long and are very interesting. The Franciscan Convent in St.Augustine was called St.Helena and was the Capitular Mouse of all the- convents of Florida an-’ Cuba. Some of these documents listed as St.Mlena of Florida refer entirely to Cuba. There were some others I did not order as they related only to South America or Mexico. All of course throw a light on the Missions. I have just remembered I have made a mistake about the cedulas they were only one- of the papers nd this is an index to get the whole it would be necessary to hunt it up in the archives of Spain. f The following are the documents bought ,list taken from the catalogue. Abstracto de la dependencia de los conventos de Religiocoo de San Francisco de Indias,sobre que no se pr clique en olios el breve de Paulo V. 10 hojas. about 1701 Arbol cronologico que manifiesta los comisarios general de Indias del Ordeti de San Francisco; y plan de todas las provincias con sus ::istones cue existen en las dos Americas o lelas Filipin as- M.Benito Cano,17S9J una hoja,o,9yxo.60 con loo escudos de Sspana y la orden a la cubeza y un arbol iluainado a mano en el centre. Bermejo (Fr.Jucn)._ Ml general de San Francisco y Comisario general de todas 1 c provincias de las Indias Occidentales, expone algunas graves puntos perteneciontes a la provincia de Santa Mlena do la Florida. K.,1759 folio,10 paginas. (As I remember this related to iheonavnAt in St’ia\)gustine) Castillo (Fr.Francisco del) Memorial eobre las neuvas conversiones de Indios ?iritus,?elenques, Gueriles, Cumanu0otos,Caribee y otros.about 17yo en folio h hojas. Cedulas de S.M. 12 paginas (Cedulas given above taken from this document) FIorencia{Fr.Antonio de) Procurador de la provincia de Santa Blenn de la Florida y de el Monast erio de Religiosas Urbanistaa de Santa Clara de la Habana. -Memorial en derocho eobre este monasterio . 1o hojas. 1705-171y