even telegraph us. ‘any r*0'7 rout® 250*000 to 500*003 people a year. —row to toko c«ro of the equally rumor ous letters fro. schools, students* libraries, author:-, editors etc. i-otcrouted in '.he old Spanish Trail as a •satio--nl enterprise* —hoc to conti no .atio v 1 publicity as a free servj co, reams of which have always Jg5d. —lion to produce adequate travel information In largo quantity at descending cost. ill! these anglee Id up the travel -.ove-.v at» And cc witter --here they start from, if they co e 1;.re they >--t. pass gen stations. . The. Old Spanish rail alive, has value. These phases I e.*i now solve and at. th • saw:; bi-.o burn the -van over to an oil company, t’-.o rap nn-.yo pstonted, 'iptcrial copyrighted, to bo the property of the oil ©on-pr.riy subject to reasonable restrictions. V". c new name is distinctive and expressive.. 1 coined the word rtr ■vclog1’ for the travel booklet end it receiv'd rs.tionP.1 recognition, his 11 beeo-s knnr-v os the diet?active service of Ire r.lir': 'll Cc.\v.ny. If cV-.ived, Id’s distinctive -op c~n bo c 'c for any cfh-r part of the United .'bates. Ivpertant values arc the. name, which is protected... .a-d its tr.-vol infor-.ia.tion which will net eta derd in map service, and be copyrighted. V-o 'ulf Co: pony c handle this a. 1 draw its pay- thro t c a-- lea -ervlcs. In the i-nttlc of the pu-pa it will have recognized advents c in tha service of its stations, already fire, and in the travel nervier:, which can be ~r. ’e the brat. 7 an obligated'to 1 give you every coneideration because of the helpful part of the half Company in do- 1 veloping the Old Spanish Trail. I a-; therefore laying: V-ia before you. ' ' 3' have loti.or files, scrap boolps and other helpful material t . aid is reaching clear * undorc tan <15. ng o. 7 ory o in core ly, ’•'rx-.-al Ayr03 ''arPging Director Tlie wap outline enclosed is not a fiviohed product—just a pen and ink drawing to rive a picture of e form ord poeoibilitJcs. Love listed on the back, the rap features erd travel data to ho Incl’-ded. 1 hvn n droughts-tv available who ie an. engineer rod art let : a well ao draughts--an, and is ell .acquaint d with the country from Louisiana to th.r Pacific. 1, of course, am also intiwtely acquainted with the country.