RESOLUTION Presented by W. B. Gill, Manager, Association of Commerce, Crowley, Louisiana, and Secretary, Louisiana Division, Old Spanish Trail Association. Y.'HEREAS: The Old Spanish Trail presents an all-wsather and all-year Transcontinental Highway'operating between St. Augustin, Flhrid-and San Diego, California, and with few exceptions at isolated locations in process of being improved, is paved and graveled or other improved surfacing is available over the entire route, and VHEREAS: An.-or£an-iz.ation..-known»a-s the Old Spanish Trail Association, with headquarters at San Antonio, Texas, has been engaged for over ten years in a progran of promotional effort and general endeavor in the interest of development of the Trail and has successfully accomplished the purposes underlying the organization^ to the extent that it is no longer necessary to maintain the sanie character of organization and expense necessary during the initial-and-promotional period of the Trail, and 1?rKEREAS: A tentative survey of^cities and towns on the Old Spanish Trail in Louisiana and T xas evidences a desire on the part of of such communities to assist in plans for publicity and various methods and means to attract travel movement to the Old Spanish Trail, if an acceptable plan or form of organization is provide, to carry on this work, and WHEREAS: An organization should be maintained to perpetuate the Old Spanish Trail as such and to serve as an agency for constructive thought of the communities served by the Trail and whereby travel movement may be directed to use the highway and intelligent effort directed toward'the development of the country served bjr the Old Spanish Trail, and WHEREAS: The present form of organisation acting in this interest is restricted in potential accomplishment owing to the small amount of funds subscribed inbcommensurate relationship to administrati.-and general ..operating expense and such expense of the present or*, ganization is serving to retard financial participation by communities served by the Old Spanish Trail, who are willing to offer reasonable financial support to an organizatioii that will apply a large part of the funds to purposes that will attract tin travel movement to the Old Spanish Trail, and Therefore Be It Resolved: That representation of cities and towns on the Old Spanish Trail in'-Texas and Louisiana in me'btingxa^semblc: \at Houston, Texas, on1929, recommend reorga'niz’atioii-of 1 present- Old SpanisIr'Tra.ii Association to eliminate \the present operating expense'of Ane organization and substithte\therefbre, a volunteer form/of central organization., based on the Wgfanizatip of State Units in. each State traversed" by the\ Old Spanish Trail with a volunteer force of workers in each State and/fu^ther 'that the cities and' towns represented^'^; this meeting,,withhold financial support from the Old Spanish Trail Association headquarter! San„Antonio, Skxas, until a revrganidation is .effected ^nd the.' pnope'r, form of organization .-provided-, and Therefore Be It Eurther Resolved: That a copy of this resolution be furnished to the Officers and members of the Beard of Directors of the Old Spanish Trail Association and request that a National Convention be called to meet within 60 days at Houston, Texas, such point approximating the geographical center of the Old Spanish Trail, and'"such convention to invite and consider plans for a reorganization of the Old Spanish Trail Association to conform to present-day requirements with respect to the main-tainence of an organization to function in the general interest of the Old Spanish Trail.