to A DISCUSBIOS OP OLD S?MXSH 3,UH8TIGNS Bootoifbor Os. •.'•'•'•r J A Trctti, Itayor, L“I:o Cli£ri03# La ■ Herbert Bayli3sc don. ;.%r. AdK'o elation o? Goiaaoroo,, Lake C&irlos Prsab Staitk, T’iditor Anorio2n*-;d>oS'Sf. Lddo Charles Sa&vr 'iilloi’p Hillor Hues., Ludo Chavlos ? I went t:> z'Jit Louisiana loti ; this Old as . lidd Trail won;* cad X thlnd you also fool tdD suns way, i/o a a it •.•id used you, for tills is A ms, cm at tines a Lo- ufi-broduduf scste. X never d..v:> ualto understood .why Louisiana has dept out of tho foldt but I Iic.vo olw.-ya hud faith in the people tilers. fvory tod..: 2 have ...: do in Louiai-:a?* has so ah .■ isaler current of interest. It r rt* y iaply lip to con©,of us to to/ to ^Ivo-tiio rifLl soot of I:- .. Irljo Tills is liiteudod t v bo a occasion sivo .sovlov • f conditions in the Siepo that out of it v;o . ;ay find avouch vivoruby no can jjot word acio:s;-»iijCioOL in youi* state. o First, lot no any-wo hrsve had iu flnanoial su;.port frcu Louisiana just £-5 ;v' duriny, the vjiioXo paries. of active udninlstration tho past throe years. v.'o have spent fa oovorcC. attests to interest IrOUiaiaiiaaD about ->45v '. ? directly r. :.:.d Have issued a Louiciana ilumba* of t’no OBT Ma^asine, ciul of cenrr-o soul a lam has hud tlio benefit of all a»i2iitiata»ativo yowls, which has oust tuny thoua'sKla of dollars. 4 Tosas lias ;;ut i;o nearly •.:•» •'••/ isoirijfl; i has just imdoi-witton her ?P‘-P yuofea of a Alabcna las paid hor <023 yuota of Florida. is ready and •.do,/ v/ant us there now. Pensacola ohcufbor of ooraoroo 1-...: by marimus veto cyrecd c . ocurc and pay her pivot a of •" , then tho tor t Florida. toons v.'iil all folic-;. In Alab ina aval ' dualoa5.... i add Ido civic and luncheon clubs aro bsolciup Ido vorl:, and la Florida they too are ready sad a7ait5.nL P-aasaeoliiin do. fl. 3 Zb .Is this scat of thiny tlavt das do,..t this uoud ;:oin.t ud luovj% Vo sli■ ait 1 Lot into fdouid :. ned bat if I can hair. I aill holy Louisicaa. to bo aonto Pon ono thin;;, it la boLinnliuj to bo diffiaidt to aaiivtals.7. ttiO usliouud unity of thi.. .voi’d, -do sooti-ais tdvt ax5o supportiViL wo bosiiuiiag t •• say td.vt no uouo of theiu noaoy fi -dl bo cfou't in sections not sc. da.-d aoubcuc .no uofuslud to no- now. , X r.3 oabisfS.ov Idiat ono tn uibdo in Louisiana has boon tlao nay p-uoaotors tlc-t davo b;ouL::>d:i tev.-as. The Porohixig aacl tho fisc, Scenic puojocts I Isnov, lic.vo hvari OST interests. bov; a. ’’Lone star outfit is .LavuilnL to "v/ork” tiio seotioix froa L-do 'Ohnrios to boyouft Houston, Tok-v-s, th on try to *.;Oi>u down to IVovjnsviidoc Ito I ./-"..j fast those afonators v/oro ’’orisaaiaLu^'* •a Lone Star Mi^inay tijru So. Alab.aia cad Ho. Clnonpi.,, then J.'.G’.s-mvilb stosyod then.