SAMDQ (Creek); Salty. (Sp„) SAK ANTONIO: Saint Anthony. (Sp.) BEXAR (comity); Be;)a.r, title of a Spanish granclee since 1485. SAIT PEDRO; Saint Peter. Pro. San Pa-dro. (Sp.) LLANO (river); A plain. Pro. Yaa-a-- . (Sp.) ■ (r- .■; •»» ■. ■ : rr> PECOS (river); Becoso. freckled. (»Sp.) Pro. pay»cos. Indian tribe and a town,same name,in New Mexico. RIG GRANDE: grande, large. Rio. river. (Sp.) YSLETA: A little island or islet. (Sp.) • K El PASO; Originally el Paso del Herts, the Pass of the North. (Sp.) W • I*-'- NEW MEXICO - )': V:- u, . NEW MEKICO: Yy . ' ' . . MESHM PARE: Mesilla, small table or tableland. (Sp.) See Mesa, below. rttVjV LAS CRUCES: The crosses. (Sp.) ; f ?Vx^vv). * ' f ROD®: Enclosure for cattle ora round-up. (Sp.) Pro. Ro-day-o. h ARIZONA * ARIZONA; M - . . SAN BERNARDINO (valley); Saint Bernardino. (Sp.) SAN PEDRO (river); Saint Peter. (Sp.) . * '■ ’ tit > f * TUGS (ST: .•Meaning not known; disputed.. ", • -: 1 " ■ ' v ••• • jA If a - !. I) .. .;VW. &r’r . ;; SANTA CRUZ (valley): Holy Cross. (Sp.) SANTA CATALINA (mts.): Saint Catherine. Santa, feminine form in Spanish. : MESA: A plateau or tableland. (Sp.) A (4)