San Antonio, Texas, April 5th, 1923 Hr. H.3. Ayres, Battle House, Mobile, Alabama. Dp ax Karral: - Y-nrs of the 3rd received. I -vs happy as a lark over the fact you sent Percv $250., That takes a 1 oar) off our shoulders and we feel no\.’ we can at least stay in the office a. while longer if the Al9ho Printing Company and the San Antonio Printing Company don't put us out of business. If you have the money to spare wish you would send ..iss Huey a check for her salary. I can soon get money in if it quits raining sc we can make the trip from Mathis to Houston, but I am going to try to get my salary out of Laredo. They just brought in a big oil well down there the other day and some of the big oil men in this country say that the Laredo field will be as good a field, if not better than anything else that has been brought in in the State. Of course, I have no objection to you sending me a check also, but thought possibly you might want to use the money down there. I need it but 1 can get along without it provided you can help ms out with Miss Huey. From your letter you seem to be getting the odds and ends rounded up, but I just want to caution you .about one thing, and that is if you have to go over the Highway Department's head and take it up with Washington you may have serious trouble with the ■Department hereafter unless you can fix it with them on the "q.t." so as to keep their skirts clear of the political wheel. You know going over officials heads is rather a dangerous flight. On the other hand if you can get Senator Craft ox somebody in his cl ,ss to slip over to Washington and let the Bureau of Public Hoads request the Department to consider these proposition -without it appearing that any pressure had been brought to bear, I believe that would be a good scheme. I expect you have already thought of all of these things, but some times it is the lictle things that we overlook while trying to do the big things. I am enclosing you a letter ’written by Mr. W. H. Bouslog of Gulfport, sent to Mobile, returned to -writer and sent to this office. I am enclosing the envelope so that you can explain the delay no Mr. Bouslog. I am writing Hr. Bouslog as per copy herewith enclosed. I imagine he is a good fellow so keep in touch with. Had another big rain night before last and the rivers in the northern part of the State and down in the Houston country in some place are five or six mil is wide. A good portion of Dallas is under water, and the same thing ap lies to Waco and other towns along the Brazos River. About half of Ft. Bend County is under water according to last reports. Had three water spouts in Houston the last three aays. A great deal of damage has been a on e. Tnis will delay our campaign down there at least; three or four weeks. DEC:AH Very truly yours.