2JiG3 7-2J 5M U. S. WEBB, ATTO.^EY GENERAL SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE STATE BUILDING PARK 8700 STATE OF CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL April 11, 1924 Mrs. J. T. Smith, 114 Gunter Hotel, San Antonio, Texas My dear Madam: Your letter of March 25, 1924 telling me of the work of the women of the Old Spanish Trail is hereby acknowledged. billboard advertising are to be found in the Statutes of the State of California, 1915, at page 642. Insofar as the state or city has an interest legally in this work, that interest is shown in the California Statutes, 1911, at page 957. These statutes may be found in any large law library. The library of your local Bar Association would probably contain them. The laws of the State of California governing Very truly yours, U. S. VV5BB, Attorney General,