Dec. loth 1929. Mr. Harral Ayres, Box 301, Gun fc e r hotel, CJity. Decr Hr. .ayres: f Replying to yours of the 13th. / instant, Beg to say that, I certainly regret / to see you leave the Old Spanish Trail Organization, Because you have certainly Been \ most successful in it. It has Been a work of \iove , without remuneration. As to connecting yourself with some financial institution, I Believe if I were in your place I would speak to our Hi-. Witchell, here in the store, who is associated with a number of industrial Banks and they are always opening new ones, and I Believe a connection could Be made there. If you do not know him, I will Be glad to introduce you to him. Come in any afternoon and I will Be glad to go with you. Any other assistance I can give you I shall Be very glad to give. With kindest personal regards, I am. HHOh