HINUT3S OF MEET IMG 01? TICS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF. TIE OLD SPANISH TRAIL HELD AT GUNTER HOTEL, SA1I ANTONIO, TEXAS, FEBRUARY 7, 1924, I, Meeting was called to order "by the Chairman, 2o Present: Messrs, l/imer, Tyrrell, V/althall and Ayres. Also representatives from the Lions, Hiwanis, Conopus and Real Estate Board. 5. Purpose was to consider conducting a membership campaign in San Antonie, Correspondence and telegrams with Messrs. Fletcher and Hale, San Diego, Oal., were read. Following considerable discussion it was unanimously voted to accept the proposition of Stanley Hale to conduct a campaign; his compensation to he $75.00 per week and expenses. 4. Meeting adjourned.