2 Valley to Mexico City lines. His new position 'was effective June 1st. Cameron County carried her bond issue on Juno 10th by a handsome majority to complete the O. S. T. into Brownsville. Blankets—yes we said blankets. Be sire you take two with you to the Davis Mountains. No joking, you will need them. Junction and Fort Stockton will demonstrate to your entire satisfaction that they have the best fishing territory in the State. You ought to let Emil Lieffler of Junction tell you how many wagon loads of fish two good fishermen can catch in the Llano in one night, but don't give him the medal until you have heard \Y. P. Rooney of Fo't Stockton tell how many tons lie can catch in the ' ;ke seven miles from town. I was telling a certain partv at Sheffield about the good fixhing at Foil Stockton, and he said it used to be better than that in the Pecos River three miles front town until Mr. McNaughton, the traveling fish inspector of Texas, told them it was wrong to dynamite tile poor tilings. Whe t ti c grand jury was in session, lie said Mr. Mac told hint the' grand jury would be in session ail the time as long as he was fish inspector; otherwise, they would show us the real fishing country. MORE THAN 500.000 AUTOMOBILES IN TEXAS BY THE END OF 1922. Figures just compiled by the State Highway Eepa-tment show there are now in operation in Trxrs nearly -I’O.OOO automobiles and mo'or fucks. The number of new cars and tracks sold in the State each month is nearly 20.000. it is estimated therefore, that the number of motor vehicles in operation in Texas by the end of the yera will pass the half million mark. AUTOMOBILE LICENSE PLATES FOR 1923 TO BE OF NEW DESIGN. The State Highway Commission has authorised the issuance of a new series of license numbers frr all automobiles ’egistered in the State during 192L A new pair of license plates of a new design wil be isf tied 'o every registrant of a motor vehicle next year. The new plates will be nt’ractively designed. The word T-E-X-A-3 will appe r on each end of the plate and a sni-11 star in the middle of the pt-'e ..i't FPT.-.-JO the last three figures of » numbers from the preceding figures. JUNCTION, TEXAS, IN THE “HEART OF THE HILLS'' ON THE OLD SPANISH TRAIL. A pron font, and progressive me chant of Junction lias recently had printed and circulated a very attraethe broeds'de. showing sieves in and around Junction that arc designed to entice the tourist and vacationist to the "Heart of the Hills'' country in Kimble County. Junction has two beautiful parks on the river nd'clm'ng town—me fre° for the use of tourists. The Highway ."long the O. S. T. leail-irg to Junction is one c.f the finest st'etclies of roadway in the State. THE HILL COUNTRY ABOUT KERRVILLE. Today the people of Kerr and Kimble Counties are literally shaking hands across preen hills. Not so many years ago a journey from the county seat of one of these counties to tile other was a trying trip. Now the Old Spanish Trail makes the journey quick and easy of achievement. Beautiful bird's eve pictures of Junction on-the Llano and Kerrvllle-ou-the-Guadalupe, both on the Old Spanish Trail, arc shown In the May issue of Grinstead's Graphic. It also shows a picture of the new free camp site for tr.misls at Kc rvlilc. NECESSITY FOR CHANGE IN TEXAS ROAD LAWS. Under the newly revised Federal aid road act all contracts for road construction receiving Federal aid will be awarded directly by the Stale Highway Departments of the different States. Under tlie present Texas laws this can not be done in Texas. However, time lias been allowed the State of Texas to conform her laws to the requirements of the Federal aid road act. The movement to enlighten the public on the necessity of making this change in tile Texas laws should receive the hearty support of every one who wants to see a connected system of highways in Texas. in some States, including Texas, the Constitution will likely have to lie amended to enable the Legislature to conform tlie Te;as Highway laws to tlie Federal aid road act so that Texas can continue to receive aid for road construction from tlie Federal Government. One of the main objects of the Texas Highway Association, which was recently organized at Austin, is to enlighten the public through the press and by the aid of speakers why the amendment is desired, or why it is necessary that our laws be changed. Log and Detailed Information of the Old Spanish Trail from San Antonio to the Davis Mountains and from El Paso to the Davis Mountains. Furnished by S. Dean Wasson, Chronicle Staff Correspondent. Log of Journey. The first day's journey will cover a distance of 130.2 miles. The log is as follows: 0.0 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, drive to Houston Street and turn to left—West Houston Street th ough business section, following O. S. T. markings. It is a good idea to cut over one block to Travis Street if you would miss tlie traffic on Houston Street. The log follows tlie markings, however. 0.2 Gunter Hotel, O. S. T. headquarters. 0.G North Flores Street, turn to right—north— and follow car tracks and O. S. T. markings. 1.0 Turn to left into Fredericksburg Road—going west. This is paved with asphalt, a fast road through a beautiful suburban territory. 3.0 Double curve. 7.3 Alamo Country Club on left. S.C Wolf's Inn on right, roadhouse. 5.9 Nine Mile Hill roadhouse on left. There are many tempting byroads in this section. 1-1 0 Pond bends to right, cross low water bridge. 11.5 Dangerous curve to left. 11.9 Rock quarry on left, small settlement. i-i.U Two spur railway grade crossings. 19.5 Leon Springs. 20 7 Follow asphalt to left. Road to right leads to army camp and rifle range. 21. Heaton's Place. T*lis. c0l,ntry is one of fine farms among the hills with wheat fields predominating. Tlie grain is ripening at this time anj being cut, mostly with the use of traeto~s pulling the binders. Live oak mosquitos, hackberry and cedars line tile road It is a very pretty rolling country. 22.5 Follow asphalt to right. Road lo left-grav-el—is scenic loop back into San Antonio. rreek° imf'V’i'f'SE'r°”n,y llne' c°sa Balcomas into lioerne V T' ",arI$“ss aIon6 asphalt 32.1 Hoerne business section, campsite in city lor road information see W. G. Davis at orfiee of 'Boetnc Star. 32.1 Hillcrest Sanitarium on right. .....0 End of asphalt. Gravel road. Follow O S T. markings. 33.1 Grade crossing, San Antonio & Aransas Pass Railway, road crosses to right of tracks. Good gravel road, but iis whiteness glares and colored glasses will be serviceable. Road winds through farming country and woodlands. 35.4 Grade crossing to '.eft of tracks. 38.9 Road rough for short stretches, needing maintenance. Concrete dips in bad repair. 37.9 Road rough. 39.C Less farming and more grazing land. You are steadily climbing higher. •10.0 Turn to left. •10.7 Dangerous double curve. •10.9 Creek, long grade and curve; road rough. •11.7 Road winds through hills. •13.1 Dangerous curve and dip in Joshua Creek, long grade. -IS.5 Guadalupe River, edge of Comfort, improved road to right leads to Fredericksburg. No campsite. 50.5 Sharp turn lo left on near side of railway, follow O S. T. markings out, pass park. 51.0 Cross creek. 51.2 Turn to right. 51.4 Kend‘U-Kerr County line. 51.5 Hermann SoMs Home for the Aged on left. 51.9 Railroad g'ade crossing. 52.4 Turn to left, road rough. 52.7 Railroad grade crossing. These two crossings could be eliminated by relocation c.f highway. 53.1 Dangerous curve to right, Guadalupe River on left. 5^.2 Steel bridge. 80-foot span. 58.2 Turn to left. 55.3 Low water concrete bridge crossing Guadalupe Fiver, with sha**p turn 10 right and steep grade. Good f'shing from th»s bridge. Road winds on left side of River to Center Point. 59.5 Fdge Center Pohit, good gravel road. CO. 1 Turn to right through business section. 00.3 Turn to left, follow O S. T. markings. No camrs'te in town. G4.5 Turn 10 light, cross river, turn to left, steep grade. C4.G Follow river on right bank. 04.8 Pailroad grade crossing. C5.7 Double t ’rn, grade crossing. 05.8 Tubercular ITosrital on right. 70 0 Steel bridge, 20 foot span. 70.3 Westminster Presbyterian Encampment ; grounds on ’ ight. 70.8 Pay no attention to arrow pointing to left I on O. S. T. sign lo river. 71.4 Center of town of Kerrville. • . GETTING INTO KERRVILLE. This is the on I of the steel on the route, being j the te* minus of the San Antonio & Aransas Pass I Railway. There is one nice thing about the rest ( of the road to Junction—you have no more death- | dealing grade crossings to consider. The highway dees (he work cf the railroad fvom here on to Fort | Sto kton. Cel aas and oil. It will require a separate article Jo tell of Kerrville, the summer resort. They have a good hotel (the St. Ch tries), rooms with bath available, good meals. There is an excellent campsite here. 71.8 Leaving business section of Kerrville. follow O. S. T. ma’ kings. 72.3 Steel bridge. SO-foot span. 72.5 Turn to left. 72.8 Turn to right past ball park on right: good graded dirt road. 73.1 Ker’villo campsite, elevation 17.5 feet, shower hptli**, shade, all conveniences; a good place to stop; roul follows river on right side. 74.7 Double curve to left. 75.1 Small iron bridge. 7(1.1 Bridge out. fed creek on left; shallow, rock bottom. 77.7 Red double turn with dip. 78.2 Cattle pass under road, rough going. 79.4 Ingram postoffice; turn to right between postoffice and stone store building following O. S. T. markings; telephone lines on both sides of highway. A SINUOUS RIVER. 81.1 Fo’d river, gravel bottom, depth to running boards, swing out to left a little in crossing; road goes to left cf river. Johnson bran h of Guadalupe. 82.4 Ford river, gravel bottom, shallow; swing to tight; road follows to right side of river. 83.0 Ford creek, rocky bottom, not deep, swing to left. 54.1 Ford creek, shallow, rock and gravel bottom. 54.7 Keep to left. 54.5 Ford river, shallow, rocky; road follows on left. 85.2 You run into construction work on road at this point; they are relocating it back toward Kerrville. 57.3 Relocating road, follow river to miss grading work. 55.2 Beautiful waterfall cn left; looks like a good fishing hole. SS.-l Ford river, rock bottom; road crosses to left side stream. 59.0 Road construction camp on right. 89.2 Ford river, shallow; road follows to right side. SOT School and cemetery cn right. 59.9 Ford river, rock bottom, rough; road follows to left. 90.1 Ford creek; road rough. 91.2 Ford river; rocky. 91.5 Mountains Home: for about 12 miles in this direction the road is under const:uction, with rough going two miles. 93.9 Putting in new concrete bridge. 30-foot span across dry creek, on new alignment of road on right. GOOD ROAD FROM HERE ON. 101.3 Poad gets better. 102.2 Fiue gravel road. 104.0 Kerrville-Kimble County line: fine gravel road; you can’t get off the highway into Junction unless you jump the fence. 108.9 Excellent gravel road. 114.G Ford c'eck concrete bottom, smooth, very shallow: there is some land in cultivation in this section. 115.5 Ford river, smooth concrete bottom, very shallow; a beautiful scenic drive. ll.bS O'css creek on low concrete bridge. 118.0 School on left. 118.3 Segovia postoffice. 119.0 Concrete drainage structure across dry creek. 120.2 Concrete low bridge across river, 50 foot span. 121.9 Concrete low bridge across river, 20-foot span. 122.0 Considerable farming in the valley. 125.3 Dangerous curve over the divide; drive slowly. 125.0 Keep straight ahead; road to right goes to Mason. 4c A miles. 129.3 Beautiful view, especially at sunset, showing river, valley, mountains, town of Junction, but- it is a dangerous curve, so if you want to see the view, stop the car. 129.7 Steel bridge, GOO-foot span across Llano River. 129.5 Well equipped campsite at left by bridge. 130.2 Junction elevation 2,180 feet. (It was 2,300 on the divide.) It is surprising to find such an enterprising little to,vn as Junction situated in these hills, without rail connections.