LOUISIANA HIGHWAY COMMISSION Baton Rouge, La0 August 11, 1922a Honorable Walter Parker, General Manager, New Orleans Association of Commerce, New Orleans, Louisiana. Dear Sir: Yours of the 18th, addressed to the Honorable W. T-. Peterman, with reference to the Rigolets-Slidell and Pearl River-Idssissippi State Line Highways, has been referred to me. I am pleased to advise that this office is now completing the plans for the above Projects, and hopes to have actual construction begun within the next sixty days. We are applying tor Federal Aid in the construction of these roads, and if there is any delay beyond the sixty day period stated, it will be due to the red tape necessary in securing approval on a Project of this type. Permit me to thank you for yours of the 9th, containing clipping from the Times-Picayune, relative to Federal Aid allotment in the State of Mississippi. Yours respectfully, (Signed) J. H. Fourmy, JMF BW STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER.