§AK AMTCOMIO MICJMICDIUPAIL AKT OTP5IMK SAKT AKT0K;(0, *3T!IS^CA@9 >IKG)K' July 26, 1923 " "i ; SAVE THE TREES For many years she custom of cutting away all..-trees s. the roadways has prevails! among property owners and cdunty/com-missioners along the highways. / ,f ■f s’. I respectfully suggest that these property owners and ,/ commissioners' allow.; the native trees, especiallyAnesquite, huisdchi ratame, and-live oak to grow at intervals along^the highways,jf'ihus ■protecting..the paying, furnishing shade, and .beautifying sage and in no way .detracting from the farming value pf the Idnd. / ylThis Jjould, to a great extent. Save much expense in lessening the number of trees to be plantedjand cared fori at er on. vResj sctfully. b MRS. J. K. BERETTA, PntSiDCNT MRS. H. P. DROUGHT MRS. J. L. BROWN M RS. T. A. ELD RIDGE MRS. W. C. DOUGLAS MRS. WHEELER PETTUS MRS E F. BOOTY MRS. J. T. SMITH MRS. RENA MAVERICK GREEN MRS. R. R. RUSSELL J. KENNETH MULLIN, Secretary Office of the Secretary Crockett 1342 f'Chai/man, Austin^L.aredo Division, (.Jefferson Davis Highway; and ^President, San Antonio City Federation erf Women's Clubs. if lj :? ■ ?:> < .i; jf h Wi|l you, as a friend of the (highways re commend this to the land'.ovmfers and commissioners alon'g the line' of ;-your Highway Division'? / •*/ ,.f if /