Old Spanish Trail connects the ni-i, W with the playgrounds of FloridaPfni?i°U,nds of California grounds that lie between. It brings to thSti?S/i1 the Play-the way a continual tide of tourist and autimnh^d40wns alonS permanent pleasure to the people ut°mobile travel and a The Old Spanish Trail will revive and keen ,ii„a able history of old Spanish days, a historvPfh!fVe thekremark' Florida to California and left behind histSad^SSSS from romantic than anything in the land. Spanish splendor, of cava her and conqueror, of Columbus, Cortez and Pizarro, of Ponce de Leon, De Soto and Coronado and of the great orders of priests whose missions are scattered along the Trail. The Spanish dreamed of gold and glory and they sought for it among the fabled Cities of Cibolo in Arizona and New Mexico and in the realms of the Gran Quivira in Texas; they searched for the Great Kingdom of the Tejas, for the Mountain of Silver, the Streams of Pearls and the Fountain of Youth. They added luster to their period and won a new empire and lost it. Today the New Spain of those days is the winter retreat of the people of the North American continent. The Old Spanish Trail can and should become the most famous and the most traveled in the land. . h Trail. Assof^j" win'rome been*16 first members of the, °nld Spa'1"511 ™th'ey Vve w^n first 500 »‘he rea! founders of .the Old ti0„ they ? the first most ‘he? wi" feel a Pr‘de '"1 numbering ^ needed. We therefore are nu isl, Tran mbers as the Founders of the Old V ^Association, hARRY old Spanish e Cr0ckett 226S. . „ san Antoni°' Ph0ne 624 Bedell Building.