ssmim., ■■ mi &&&» Chore vm originally .-: v ry Balls':' otory rnd eomrohonnivo prooooatjio of accounting outlined r«nu folio ed f »r a tla» hioh hue, thru k>sj® confusion in tho organisation, do .^rtoJ from and the oysters not v/Oll carried onto Vra iiavo to rooonreon!. :. i follcr.ving cyoton -ad prooecdura s 1- 5Sjq OaSJi Bools should v float tho tot".?- mount of all collections and receipts of the Id ;oonlsh -rail ' . ooi~ aticax, lndx»Al«5 the collection: thru tho office, collections thru any brunch offloos, call notions V-isr- noli «i tod In tho field sad collections from all murcea* ■ 1± 5iifoarafi". nbo elv.-.t-Jd Iks refloated thru tills took, -.nnto dusmified in the folIov.'Ir,p' wnmor: 2 (a) niahureeronts: A„ Adralai strat tons I.'::afi‘73ra 1.X--. vie--. Office Office f.-;>onao 3ant Srponao "r.ii'sli.'. - ' • Gthrr ikpons -c jio yubiialfcy ; Dr. la rles - rintlr.; Other eituofl 0.. ??2Oil iv-pennes Salaries Com-.isai&no Marking Supplies Othor 5'vpensee "« v-allfcotlons: . eolloution •'■•adyer rhotCL ho installed which-r.-i 11. ijjor *a ;• ye-am# of :.ll reoeipta ho tins as ad, ; triplicate to dels* hook. nnriuoro , ,-rov lonely uaod I:- miff id ant fbr this purpose* After thc-so receipts nr- <: raid re port od they ere to he charged i-y muahor, n-aao ;;nd , rr-o-nt to I ho party or office bavin-? custody of ; .alu re: ointr.* Vhis aotnunfc '12.1 operate as giving an no •our.tkiy upon -11 jv-or-.ipt books r&.loadc-l« at the rare tine form.? 1*5 the v sit; of set tic.-at record rath, either office or col lector bain:-; intrusted *th oolleationo :«