on the Atlantic slope were righting England for freedom, Spain was peacefully building the missions along the Pacific slope. Earlier than this her missions at Tucson and Nogales, at Santa Fe. at El Paso and Ysleta, at San Antonio, Sr. Augustine and elsewhere, and her works all thru these Southern Borderlands, were crowning her name with an interest that will live thru the ages. The legends and SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA Poets bins: of the pailreh anil their missions uIon£ this Golden Coast. San Diego has a monument to Father Junipero Serra who administered the mission building enterprises. Helen .Jack-son's “Romonn” is a romantic story of the mission period and its fail. Here at San Diego also you may look down into the ‘‘Wishing Well” ns you did at St. Augustine and let your spirit for tlie moment dwell witli those ol that bygone and romantic ngc. landmarks of a romantic past lie along the pathways and out among the byways of the Old Spanish Trail. Hotels.—U. S. GRANT, largest and best. CHURCHILL, moderate and good. SAN DIEGO, popular and well liked. ADMIRAL, popular prices, good. PICKWICK, new. good; the Pickwick bus station headquarters. Also DEL CORONADO, MARYLAND and SOUTHERN. Auto camps—twelve cabin camps. Inf.—Chamber of Commerce. Also Auto Club of Southern California branch. DAM OF THE MISSION IRRIGATING SYSTEM, SAN DIEGO THE MOTHER MISSION OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO DE ALCALA. Sketch by Floyd Crews .Mission Nucstru Sefiora dc Gundnlupe founded at El Passo del Norte, now Juarez. The Mother Mission of the El I’aso group. Constructed without a nail or screw of any kind. The belfry tower is separate half way up from the auditorium. {Reproduced by the Old Spanish Trail from the Texas Almanac of 1859) TEXAS ADVERTISEMENTS OVERLAND TO THE PACIFIC The San Antonio and San Diego Mail-Line T'mI? 'T.blch bas been In successful operation since July, 1S57, i9 f>nt!nnQCli?»K PaSSENGERS. through to San Diego, nnd also to all Intermediate drnVvn i t.1 "Hs?engcrs nnd Express matter forwarded In NIJW COACHES rado X !?**!£? ov'>r tlu‘ entire length of our Line, excepting the Colo- nn»A..rS^cr.V ?f 100 rol'es, which we cross on mule back. Passengers guar-Btuted lQ tl10 r tickets to ride In Coaches, excepting the 100 miles, above PASSENGERS TICKETED TO AND FROM SAN ANTONIO AND Fort Clark, Fort Bliss, Tucson, Fort Hudson, Ei Paso, Arizona, Fort Lancaster, Fort Fillmore, Fort Yuma, Fort Davis, La Mcsilla, San Diego Coaches of our Line leave semi-monthly from each end, on the 9th “I* ot each month, at C o'clock, A. M. frnt .^r,n(,d escort travels through the Indian country with , each mall-tram, ror the protection of the malls nnd passengers. . f. , assengers are provided with provisions during the trip except where the wiii sl°P3 nt Public Houses along the Line, at which each Passenger ™'tor bis own meal. Passenger Is allowed thirty pounds of personal baggage, exclusive °r blankets and nrnis. f-i.^ongers coming to San Antonio can take the line of mall steamers rom N°w Orleans twice a week to Indlaiml-i. from the latter place there is. “ dally line of four liorso mall coaches direct to tils place.. un tho Pacific side the California Steam Navigation Company are run-San* DlcgoSt C,!,ss 8lcnra0r» semi-monthly, to and from San Frauclsco and FARE ON THIS LINE AS FOLLOWS, INCLUDING RATIO’S Ban Antonio to San Diego, §200 San Antonio to EI Paso. §100 “ Tucson, 150 Intermediate stations 15c per mile baggage, when carried, 10 cents per pound to El Paso, and §1 P01; Pound to San Dlogo. * nssongers can obtain all necessary outfits In San Antonio. ofri£T farther Infonrutlcn. nnd fur the purchase of take's. apply at tho doJf° "f tl»0 Company In this city, or address I. C. ''ODDS, buperIntcn-vont of the llue, care of American Coal Company, 50 Exchange Place, •snow York. G. H. GIDDINGS R. E. DOYLE, Proprietors. 38 39 IN TIIE VALLEY OI-* TIIE PADRES SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA