en an H J«^ACH^TS FEDERATION QF PLANNTNfi ............ estaMlsked buiMing^lLTd charactei no part of any such bill board, sign or Sice not on a building shall be nearer than fifty feet to any pubhc way, to another such bill board, sign or tleSe Or to the boundary of adjacent premises unless the written consent of the owner of said premises for the term of the permit is attached to the application therefor. No such bill board, sign or other device for which a permit is lawfully required shall be erected, displayed or maintained on private property in the town of....... ............until an application for a permit therefor lias been made to the Division of Highways of the Massachusetts Department of Public Works or the agency authorized by law to issue such permits, the permit issued and a copy of the application and of the permit filed with the building inspector or other officer designated by the selectmen to receive the same. Every such application for a permit for the election display or maintenance of a bill board, sign or other advertising device, shall specify the outside vertical and horizontal dimensions, the material and con- fraction thereof and ot ^K the nSSing publicja^and unless it is pioposec n(j from the boundaries of distance from.the 01 not it is within fifty adjacent premises, an d gi or device, within feet of another such bill » Q1. within view of a eight feet of the wa OT0Und, church or public build- ......-..... die parte or recr tJcibAVAiji ____f mg less than three hundred feet distant. Such application shall have attached to it the written consent of the owner or tenant of the premises on which it is proposed to locate the device, and of the owner of adjoining premises if within fifty feet of the proposed location and not in a business district as herein described, both for the term of the permit applied for. It shall be the duty of the building inspector or other authorized officer, on receipt of a copy of such applica- ji —- MASSACHUSETTS FEDERATION OF PLANNING BOARDS 15 x- „ in inform the said agency charged with the duty of Sno permits, within thirty days of the date of the no-ITwhether or not the application or the location or de-S described therein appears to be contrary to any of the municipal regulations for outdoor advertising and, if so in what respects; also, Avhat other objections, if any, there may be to the granting of said permit. This information shall be on a form containing a copy of said regulations. No permit shall be issued or renewed until aif the provisions hereof have been complied with. The foregoing requirements shall not apply to a sign or sign board legally maintained in a public way under the provisions of section 8 of chapter eighty-five of the General Laws of Massachusetts; nor to any advertising device maintained in conformity with a valid permit granted before the taking effect of this by-law until ninety days after the expiration or revocation of said permit; nor to signs or other advertising devices on or in the rolling stock, stations, subways or structures of or used by common carriers, except advertising signs or other advertising devices on bridges or viaducts or abutments thereof; nor to a signboard not exceeding two square feet in area on any face and not nearer than six feet to another sign; nor shall the special requirements applicable only outside of business districts as herein described or the requirements relative to permits apply to signs that advertise goods produced or sold, activities carried on, or persons or institutions carrying on the same, on the premises on which said signs respectively are located, or advertise the premises themselves or a part thereof as matter °r anc^ that carry no other advertising dovi™^ ai;?a a bill board, sign or other advertising clo^ri e Preceding paragraphs refers to that in-in on complaint from anv 1 en of the town of an unauthorized biil