- 3 - who is the Good Roads Chairman of the Federation of Women's Clubs of the Valley, is a live--,/ire and cn the job as you will see by copy of the enclosed letter, also my reply to her of this date which is self-explanatory. I am going to be the manager of the campsite and beautification committee for the present, and on the 25th" when these ladies have their big meeting I will take hr. Ray Lambert, Park Commissioner, and make a trip ever the route and arrange a number of meetings thru the Valley, then I shall drop Baird in on the line and collect; the other half of their memberships. I think this will get us some money and I believe it will get something out of Mercedes. I am just in recei/jt of a letter from Judge Dancy authorizing me as attorney for the Cameron County commissioners court to represent them in all matters before the State Highway Department. I deem this quite an honor and I shall endeavor to do my best, but of course I wo ..Id have done that anyway. I feel like this proposition comes as a result of my having been able to secure the designation of the route after the entire committee having been turned down in .the first place, and in the second place, securing aid for dim v alls County after they w&O&k turned down or rather postponed. ' ith reference to the extension from Mission to Laredo will say that I have not had much encouragpient at the present time on this work. I am just in receipt of a letter from the chamber of commerce at Mission advising me that at a regular session Friday night, Feb. 3rd they unanimously endorsed the proposition and the secretary was instructed to advise us to that effect,and they will cooperate with us. This of course is the starting point and I feel like that when I take Ray Lambert down there on the palm-planting and beautification work that the publicity given this trip wili put these border people in line to go. Y/ith reference to finances, I want you to understand that sc far as I am personally concerned and this office and the Texas work, that you can rest assured that I am financing this or waving it done ana you don't have to worry about having to put an extra dollar in it and I thought I made it plain to you that it was these outstanding bills that were taking the pep and punch oum o~ this of-ice in trying to stand them off from time to time. The Doctor and myself are both going to do our best to clean up as many of them as possible, especially the more urgent ones, and if you con give us any help it will go toward the cleaning up of these accounts. Yesterday afternoon I took Judge HcCrcry and Colonel Crecelius and we made an inspection of the route west along tne s.P. Railroad via I-IcDonna and LaCoste to Dunley with the view of getting the highway department to recommend the change of the route to expend along the railroad instead of by Castroville. Dr. Johnston has been over this route also and had a conference with the LaCoste people.. The Doctor says we can get several hundred dollars out of LaCoste if we can make this change, and I think we can make it. The highway