WEIMAR. General farming; chicken and turkey raising. Rolling country and pretty farms. JACKSON HOTEL, small country style place. WEIMAR FILLING STA., F. Tluimaim, tires, tire repairs, grease rack, accessories, barbecue sandwiches, cold drinks. SCHULENBURG. Cotton and pretty farm section; nice views over the hills. Only cotton-seed flour mill in world; shipped everywhere for bread used in diabetic cases. This part of Texas German and Bohemian. The Carnation Milk condensing plant, the first south of Tennessee, is now being built at Schulenburg. Capacity 200,000 lbs. raw milk daily. This location selected after thorough investigation over the South. New hotel with motion picture house, steam heat, baths, running water. Clean rooms at the station hotel. Nice camp on OST, west. Inf.—.1. C. Baumgarten, OST Director. FLATONIA. Important turkey, chicken and egg production; cotton and pretty farms and rolling hills. Country hotel. Free camp in town. Inf.—Lee’s Garage, Chevrolet dealer—service and filling station. Competent and good. WAELBER. Lodging. Camp space. ^GONZALES. Noted in the history of Texas liberation as the “Lexington of Texas.” Thirty-two of her men died in the Alamo. The Texans mobilized there and fired the first shot for Texas independence. Santa Ana invested i the town. State Park reservation in the town on the OST. Civic improvements progressing, asphalt streets, golf, nice residences. Rich wooded and farming country, rolling hills | and valleys, cotton, corn, a leading poultry shipping center, natural pecan growing country. PLAZA and ALCADE hotels. Auto camp’on OST, north of P. O. SAN MARCOS RIVER, west of Gonzales 23/£> mi. Nice camp in riverside grove. Prosperous farming country. AUMONT HOTEL, only modern fireproof hotel between Houston and San Antonio; coffee shop good. Free camp on river, south. GUADALUPE RIVER at McQueeney. Other villages westward Marion. Cibolo and Scliertz. Nice farms. *SAN ANTONIO. One of the most colorful and interesting cities in America. Settled in 171S by the Spanish (same year as New Orleans by the French) San Antonio became a Spanish capital and a mission center. Five missions were located along the San Antonio river in 1718, 1720 and 1731, later to develop into extensive properties with fine church and other structures. Buildings and ruins remain as relics of an heroic and romantic past. Five mission establishments were built at San Antonio and reports made In 1715 and in 17G2 givo data respecting them. Mission San Antonio do Valero. (The Alamo). Mission San Jose y do San Miguel Aguayo. Mission Nuestra Sonora do la Furrsima Concepcifin de Acuna. In 17-15 the church was half completed; in 1762, completed. A record says the corner stono was laid May 5, 1731. Mission San Juan de Capistrano. In 1715 the buildings wore of thatch; in 1762 a temporary apartment 25 varas (69.1 ft.) loug was used. Mission San Francisco do la Espada. In 17-15 tho stone church was in progress; iii 1762 the church was still in progress. The missions were officially abandoned in 1791. The irrigating aqueducts of San Juan and of Espada still irrigate the old mission lands. The other mission aqueducts have given way to tho growing city. By 1730-17-10 these aqueducts and canals were extensively developed. The engineering skill carrying the waters around the hills and over valleys testifios again to tho intelligence that guided all those works; this may be observed today at the San Juan and the Espada aqueducts. San Antonio is among the bills, scenic drives are in all directions; its river starts from springs within the city; the climate is dry, the sunshine constant, it is an all-year outdoor country with all outdoor sports pleasantly provided for in the parks, public places and reservations. San Antonio became the crossroads and market place of the Southwest during the turbulent Spanish, Mexican and later pioneer period of Texas, Mexico and California; it was the capital of the cattle kings of Texas and here too the United States has its greatest military reservations with %all arms of the service maintaining big properties—the stable climate and the varied types of country permit all kinds of training and maneuvers all the year round. Southward are farming and citrus fruit areas; northward and westward big cattle and goat ranches and rugged hills. Good drinking water in this country. HOTELS—BLUE BONNET, 220 rnis., all with hath, new, finely equipped, well located, unchanging rates $2.50 and $3.00. CRGCSvETT, 150 mis., near Alamo, moderate, large sun parlor lounge, AAA headq., free parking.