Sieam Healed European 50 Rooms 30 Baihs Owned and Operated By THE ALBA COURT INN COMPANY A. B. FARNSWORTH ttanajer NEW SMYRNA, FLORIDA April Twenty Third„ 1 9 3 0, Mr Harral Ayres, Esq*, San Antonio, Tex. My Dear Friend Harral;« You dont know how much pleasure it gives me to note the Spanish Decoration you are about to receive or will undoubtedly receive ere thos reaches, you, as I note the decoration is to take place the 29th0 You deserve every bit of it and more0 No man has worked more sincerely and earnestly for a worthy cause than you. / You have accomplish what vary few others could possibly accomplisho You have always had my sincerest esteem and personaly assistance., I shall always be at your service, volunteerily or otherwiseo I sincerely hope your are having more success in your work now than in the past. I hear wonderful reports of the'frail from those who have covered it. syndicateing. Am having good success with my S incerely Hanily B Updike