San Antonio, Texas, Hay Uth, 192o. Mr. J. Co Baaragarten, OST Director, Schulenburg, Texas. Dear Mr. Baumgarten: Thanks for yours of the 9th. At procent those letters I put out ’-/are intended as friendly constructive criticism. r enclose editorial the Beaumont Enterprise published the day of the bridge opening which please return. ".'on11 know until press clipping service reports how much this is accomplishing. I aiiprose expenses of this too will full on me. If so and if necessary I will not be scrupulous about how I fight. I have asked ’.Yill lea. of Orange what he could uo.. If you will get busy between Houston and San Antonio,as you suggest*, I will get in the car and go thru West Texas. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely, H. B. Ayres. OST Hamaging Director. HBA/b enc. ed.