adobe homes are distinctly foreign. The old valley, old towns and old irrigation lie around here; the Rio Grande is close. The Old Spanish Trail here is the “Valley Road" of El Paso; its old shade trees, irrigating canals, truck gardens and country homes are a refreshing picture. *EL PASO. El Paso del Norte, the Pass of the North, Gateway to Mexico and the Southwest, keypoint to an empire. Manufcturing and distributing center. In heart of rich irrigated, farming, cattle and mining districts. Ft. Bliss, one of the most important military and air bases in the United States, is located,at El Paso. The pass thru the mountains extends from the city some three miles north to the big smelter. The Old Spanish Trail from El Paso follows the Rio Grande northward to Las Cruces, 42 mi. The approach to El Paso for 60 mi. from the east is thru an Irrigated section, some of it established in Spanish times, where cotton, alfalfa, winter vegetables, dairing and fruits are produced. Canals carry the water from Elephant Butte reservoir of the U.S. Reclamation Service located up the Rio Grande in Now Mexico 110 mi. north of El Paso—largest artificial lake in North America. This reservoir covers 40,000 A. and impounds water to irrigate 200,000 A. in the Palomas, Rincon, upper and lower Mesilla. El Paso and Juarez valleys. Elephant Butte dam is 306 ft. high. 1,674 long. Lake is 45 mi. long with 206 mi. of shore line. (See adv.) HOTELS—PASO DEL NORTE, refined, well-liked,El Paso largest hotel; auto cluli headquarters in lobby. SHELDON. moderate, well located, cafeteria, tourist bureau. I-IUSSMANN, new, fine hotel. CAMP GRANDE is one of the best auto camps in the U. S., all kinds of accommodations, attentions and comforts. CIUDAD JUAREZ across the Rio Grande, pop. 15.000, is the largest Mexican city on the border in population, exports and imports. Characteristically Mexican, it is visited and enjoyed by more travelers than aziy border city. The Chamber of Commerce or your hotel will give tourist passport or information. INF.—El Paso Automobile Club (AAA) at Paso del Norte Hotel. Also Camp Grande. Time changes here; reset your watch. TEXAS-NEW MEXICO STATE LINE Anthony, N, M. NEW MEXICO—192 MILES Road Conditions Pavement El Paso to Las Cruces, then Federal Aid ttravel across the State. Old trail west from Mesilla Park now replaced with new road till'll Las Cruces to Deming. Maintenance across zsew Mexico Is good. Description of Country it tI,e R,° Grande Valley to Las Cruces are irrigated districts of the Elephant Hutto reservoir; Las Cruces is a cont.e,r for these sections and a nice little city. tiii. i ... 8crtI.on westward from La Cruces Is sandy desert . n . ,ni?s k.v mountain peaks. Sonic irrigation, not much. T raising. Silver and copper are mined. Dcming and xvnV.rSr Sr VI?y, eities. Travel conveniences are along the unj. The drinking water Is soft and good. Old History nf 4 of ancient dnys and the overland trail of Jnlint0 »J«nd £tne<: ,conch