4 POPULATION—FLORIDA Table 2.—Population op Puincipal Cities from Earliest Census to 1930 [A minus sign (—) denotes decrease] INCREASE OVER INCREASE OVER ^ PRECEDING PRECEDING CITVBkp CENSUS PoDUla- CENSUS CITY AND CENSUS PoDUla- CENSUS ^^EAR tl°n------------------------year tlon _____________ Number Por cont Number Por cont DayVJSS Beach: 1 I Pensacola—Contd. 'SS0......... 1G. 59S 15,773 I 1S00.............. 11,750 4,905 71 7 ................. 5“ 1W u>>-2 m................ 0,345 3,40S km! 5 1910............ 331 ................. 1S70 ........ 3,317 471 16 4 Gainesville; 1800................. 2,870 712 32-» 1030........... 10,465 3,605 52.0 .... 2’101 ..................... «0------------- 6,860 677 10.9 St. Augustine; 2J5........... 0,183 2,550 79 2 1030............. 12,111 5,910 95.6 jSS........... 3,033 OU 30.2 1920................ 0,102 60S 12.7 1890.......... 2,700 ................. 1010......... 5,49-1 1,222 28.0 Jacksonville: Yfw '’H?2 iTlIIS ~0,0 1030........ 120,519 37,09 1 41.5 S:::"":'' 2 293 "570 135 020.......... 91,658 33,859 53.7 1870..................1717 -197 Jo 3 B= || sa »* ii J J 118::::::::::: 9'^ 'fit i ?J8 742 18(0.......... 0,912 4,791 220.3 95 .............. 800........... 2,118 1,073 102.7 St. Petersburg; .......... ’-O'15 .................... 1930 .............. 40,125 26.18S 183.9 Key West- 920......... H'237 10,110 215.0 IS::::::::::: SSS 3E \$£= t™ *8 1010........... 19,915 2,831 16.5 .... 273 .............. 900.......... 17,114 -900 - 5.3 Sanford; ........................ 8'100 82 8 1930............... 10,100 4,512 80.7 B= S== g= as as as ToVaaiovw*. Tallahasseo: ]8fc:™“ 187:^ %2 s B= *g :;1 I3 #= xs a* S= IS *2 I M.............................. 880......... 2,491 471 23.3 Miami: £0.......... 2,023 91 4.7 1030........ 110,037 81.000 274.1 I860................ H??2 .............. 1920......... 29,571 24,100 410 5 “S........... ........................... 1910.......... 6,471 3 790 225 6 1,016 .............. 1900.......... 1,081 .I Tampa: Orlando: jj30....... 101,101 49,553 90.0 1930......... 27.330 IS (MS l(li t S?S.............. 61,60S 13,826 36.6 020::: :::: 0S2 S'sl ™ SJ2........... 37,782 2i.®« 1910_____________3S1 rsti ‘s-J 900........ 15,839 10.307 ®3 1900.......... 2 481 —375 -fil gm.................. 5,332 ^J2 008.3 woo........... 2,850 : i87o::::::::::: ™............... Pensacola: West Palm Beach: io2oi:::::::::: 3h a............ 20,010 17,051 207.3 1010........... 22,982 5,235 29 5 loin.......... 8,M9 0,910 390'2 1900........| 17,747 oiro? Hilo 1,7« U™ 203-0 bin?d“SPa“Sn1oV?92JOn0^'lSfo‘1isSS^wff3,1?2?ayt0,“ Dcach dtl' ln 1925- C°m- I Not returned separately. . Return!, iitcomplet’eSaye population not roportod. l P0pulation 0[ 67 counties in Florida from 1890 to 1930, together with the land area of each county and its population per 93ore rnti,es'13 were ^--cd ^ and 193°' nn,1 "“t!es the boundaries of which have remained unchanged since 1920. Of these, 36 increased in population between 1920 and 1930, while 5 show a decrease. ’ NUMBER A.ND DISTRIBUTION Iable 3. Area and Population of Counties: 1890 to 1930 [A minus sign (—) donotes decrease] POPULATION Land '>%- — ig_______psr' 1030 1920 1910 1900 1S90 Total squaro 1920 to 1910 to milo 1930 1920 Fl°nd“....... 64,861 1,468,211 26.8 863,470 752,619 528,612 391 422 51 8 28 7 fg*— i :n i! Droved i,mJ S3 **8 tSB SS iffl “SS ™al See II 11 !i a& ..................................................m- -%i ---i™ SS & AS IS iffl......I;I.... Collier >o...... 2,012 2.8S3 1.4 ........... 1 M a................. 14,638 18.5 14,290 17,6S9 *’17*094 li"R77......o'4..io'o Bfc==*g II B»w ft 1 il t! liwE= 1 18 1! 1« aa aa as “ij'Ti {if0,11™”......... 511 0,2S3 11.0 5| 318 "'TM....4 890..-Tins' 18 I . a“dsd