•ity will afternoon, le ITutch- MS n and lit-5\iise and Cal., are February thiossen’s v, in Mo-ssen will Dorotliy die guest • in Aus-\est at a ust week, hostess. 'ing have ''re they . and Mrs. .IETIES. are hav-t. They heir way »ts at*thc Thursday, re guests -ridge tea e of the ,: winter, i carnn-cheerful he cozy . the tea ornment. •liage and illumina- the aft-seven tn-ock they . of Mrs. led her gown in sisled by >teinfeldt NO PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED IO aalitv™,^-TT.w-Z^ flfifi Bxc Dependable Laxative for Sick Baby or Child CANDIDATES VIEW PROBLEM AS TO MARRED SCENERY AND ACCIDENTS CAUSED. r^- ILLBOARDS and other unsight-ly signs along the main public highways in Texas will be removed if a number of San Antonio candidates for the State Legislature have their way. Practically all of those canvassed on the subject Monday expressed themselves against a system destructive of the scenic beauty peculiar to Texas—destructive especially by marring the beauty of the landscape from an automobile. Just what means should be arrived at to eliminate the billboards and other unsightly detractions along the highways, none of the candidates would stale, off-hand. However, nearly all of them were of the opinion that billboards could and should be eliminated. MINNESOTA PROHIBITS BEAUTY-MARRING BOARDS It is suggested that since Minneso- ta and other Slates in the Union Isa enacted laws prohibiting billboar marring the landscape beauty .nloj the main highways of travel, Tex should not be backward in this 1 spect, particularly in view of the fa that the State has a number of trai continental highways traversing Again, the Lone Star State is t mecca for tourist travel, both in sui mer and in winter. Candidates also pointed to otli evils of the billboards, stating th many were erected on curves and railroad crossings, shutting off or cu tailing the view of (he motorist. This was declared to be one of the greatest of the unsightly billboard advertising evils. DAVENPORT WOULD ABO LIST! BILLBOAR DS “I am absolutely in favor of the abolishment of the billboards,” declared D. S. Davenport, candidate for Senator. “I can’t see that this kind of advertising pays, anyway. There is no way of determining where the ad-ertiser obtains results and I don’t think that he does for the amount, spent on it. There is a bill coining up at the next Legislature and it seems that some plan will be worked out whereby the proposition will be handled satisfactorily. San Antonio is a winter resort and there are hundreds of people who come into this city annually and I think that the elimination of these unsightly signs would prove a great benefit to this city.” T. P. Hull, San Antonio attorney, candidate for re-election as Represen-fa tivc. was more or less “on the fence.” *'[ think that it would be a good thing in a way,” he said. “Some of the signs should be removed and some of them should not. Anyway. how are we going to remove the signs on a man’s private property? • asTi..- ! ‘:Tli- K,.ag -could a si: a . for if; is bi/u beautifully . p story itself is “Felix” The Pa the Re vie v. complete the p reason that they sometimes cause accidents and destroy the natural scenic beauty of Texas highways. But let’s say this is the reason that the billboards must go, not taxing the poor fellows out of business.” “On the Stale’s right-of-way, the billboards a n d unsightly posters should be destroyed,” declared T. H. Ridgeway, candidate for Senator. “Removing them from private property contiguous to the highways, however, is another matter. It’s hard to suppose that a bill could be enacted favoring the removal of the billboards ‘JUDGME! IS f There’s a in “Judgment Princess this snow scenes fith made for There are sev on the part c-i two not so actresses. All in ail il '-'.''"ffp screen r' -J (Advertisement) v 'rtl7 ^UUUUiJ ■uojUuo ana posters aiu|>s highways of travel m Texas, gained added momentum Tuesday when Ward Orsingcr, manager ot the ui-singer Motor Company, gave .Ins heartv endorsement to the campaign. Orsinger’s company is one of the largest motor sales companies m Bexar County using billboards as a means of getting its cars before the 1)U“BUlboards are unsightly. They destroy scenic beauty and mar the attractiveness of the landscape fo which Texas is. famous, Orsingcr declared. “There is no reason for an ex tensive use of the billboards or t ic posters, although we advertise. ••Personally, I favor the removal of all kinds of signs, including tin types tacked onto posts pasteboards, advertisements and oilier posters that clutter our biglmajsand are eyesores to. the coinmunity. At is : sit noil if oijx 1 ' A (OA 1)03(1$,lA ‘fijmod 9 pun gi ijjiav ua.ui jinoil i{3ji| “uioq s.toXQi jo 017.1 y puu sjouuiav mil jo ,.jouq„ 'iiiflur oqt .10J s.iouoq A l.’AV U poi.l.uw spl!{ ZDllSl.ipOJX OIJX *a\o.i 1: ui UMllOJ .11,11(1 SUAV A.IOJOJA OI(X ’9t Ol ()<; jo o.iqos oi[j a’(( ),>)uinli ’so.iji a>i$oj* iiljl (MlUAJAp -CO l(.| UAIJAV doO'I ASUJ .Ml.) oi|t UJ jiphu A’upuoi\» OJlJpl :|S.UJ \1(J iIij.S lain 111 »• ......... uevi,* itu. Ji mild If the . adver-». number Nobodon queried .natter. Out zen solicited, to approve of believes bill-dialed. “Some of yd and a number f. to remain,” lie 'words, the billboards' and posters should be regulated. the same as any other business. “It is my opinion that they should not be placed where they detract from the attractiveness of the landscape.” he continued. “Nor should thev be placed promiscuously on fence posts, jammed up together or should the copy be bad.” “There are two kinds of billboard and other poster advertising, he declared. “One that is obnoxious to the traveling public, and the other , that isn’t. Obnoxious billboard advertising, ] in my opinion, should be eliminated, ] • If a billboard is properly placed, the copv well written, and hides an undesirable spot along a highway, that is the proper place for it. SIGN 02ft DANGEROUS CURVE CURBS ACCIDENTS 1 "Personally. 1 didn’t believe in bill-•: board advertising until about AS *• months ago. YVo placed an aGra * live advertisement at a dangemie curve on the toll road at Medina piioDOg s,o>jsop ............. pJUA OqOUl 99 ‘.SI03JJJO r injjinuoq ut osiv os ui oujiuj poqsi OUIJ U ‘OUIJU.I 3$C: I’spjuA p U10UI-C9 tsjpsqo ' SJ0J03 UlU[d UI UA\01JS id posjuujunS so3id Ajoa^ 1 tut p.UTA-v Ut ‘stuuqSui j) 0(SOf 1UIU 01 S3d0l3.\UD jus pc jo sisisuoo 0 3}iqAV ui spjuo ojjod poqsjuij lusq injimuoa— opuodso.uo3 30SJ ................... xoq J3«j iS (oisud uiSif ui ’souiji [oj aodud ijj 01 S3doi3AUD nit: jodnd jo siosqs oiSuis > Sui)«!«tioo •A’jouoipDS 30S.’ 361........... -uo ojuubs ’JJitq pur ‘oiqq ‘>juid—xoq oj poijossv ‘xoq 01 Si -uo 09 puu siosqs 09J uiioao'i — A\iouoi)U)S T nUe 'Phere had been several serious accidents. On top^ J»t 0»« !^,wV\ ...mb *,HUoq puu RsuiiD 1 iv\ou \\u u\ ‘S3(A JUlUlOJ ubqav l^nd.io -l.oij\UJUOD Sss, "" ,1\S0X-0AN1 JOOJA )0O.US St05|SOf .......lOAUOq puu 3C(J..........SOUjUA Cg’I! 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