June 13th, 1922. Hr. Thos. H. MacDonald, Eureau of Public Roads, v'ashington, D. C. My dear Mr. McDonald Yours of the 9 th to hand. Always glad to hear from you. les-we have a good deal to do to take the people of America out of the mud anu want to pick up such fellows as Ayres who is a good booster, and I think he is able" to do some good, hence I became interested in letting him knew the other good road workers, like yourself and the rest of us and took the liberty of giving him the letter of introduction to you. You know many years ago I conceived the idea of this organisation, the Old Spanish Trail, and it was afterwards organized in Mobile, it needed nursing and it was kind of languishing until Ayres came al ong ana has been making good in getting results and my thing you can do along this line for him in' this work will be appreciated; Keller is not feeling very well, complaining oi his stomach and he is cn a little vacation. r.e are all busy down here, eveiybcdy wants to have roads and bridges and J. hope we will be able before you and I die to comply with-their wishes. Kindest regards to all in the office, Yours friend