November P, 1933 iliss Virginia Edgecombe, 0 A Automobile League, San Antonio. Pear Miss Edgecombe: Herewith find agreement with dutchcraft Studios respecting the San Jose window photographs; also two signed samples fining the size and standard and character of the four types agreed upon. Please file- these samples for record and reference. I hereby constitute yen sales agent, as my secretary or representative, for these photographs. The prices and commissions to 1c as follows; C-A 'L.' 11x14 Veltex, embossed, §1 00 Comm, . 25/ U-0 11x14 Tapes tr}', " 1 SO i: 30/ Tc So 7x11 Veltex- embossed, 60 « 20/ 70 > o 7x11 Tapestry, " PC it 20/ 3 o 3o If it is found desirable to change any of these terms, this may be done as John A. Griffith may approve. The proceeds from soles, after payments to Hutchcraft and for the commission, are to he divided equally between John A. Griffith and myself, at ever arrangement you care to make as to frames will be sa your personal arrangement, and the profit will be yours. The description may bo typed or mimeographed according to the form herewith. If at any time printed copies of this are desired, I suggest Standard Printing Company and the use of the cut herewith which I own and they have. Ono-balf of the print- ing cost rwjy be charged to Jir. Griffith and myself, but. he should be consulted. Please watch all deliveries for defects in j>he photo prints. Father M. S. Garriga has been promised photos at one dollar. Please deliver at this price up to five copies; I judge this will take care of all he pay have promised. The small photos would not come in this arrangement, their price being under one dollar. Very truly. -tfctrr?T' Ayres