'Toy 11, 1939 Mr. J. 1. liiipas. Bp out.ont, Texas. Dear ■Tim, Hnmmol writes no you want information os to plans for the ';37. 'Moo enclosed news-letter sent out April 27 states things about as far as T know. "Personally I cannot stand this financial drag, and I am personally tired of the personal bogging X have had to do. I have hoped a. convention could be gotten together but I do not believe the people arc much interested in a convention. Sew Orleans and eastward, and .1 ?t»so end westward, do not care much about the central section. "’heir construction problems are well worked out and they will get the travel no matter which way it oomes. South Louisiana and South Texas cannot seam to realise what they are up against. T put over the motorcade from San Diego and the celebration at St. Augustine as a final effort to tie the "ast and the Moat together. t adjourned the convention meeting we opened ■it St. Augustine to some time and olneci to be selected hoping some central city would got behind the movement seriously. I dare not undertake to nut on a convention for they would pass on the expenses to mo as far as they could; they always have in previous conventions. The noO'le promise most sincerely; but they do not nay.in full, Individually, those ten years have exhausted me financially. I had no business" gambling with my old age that way but no crying about that. T must go to work somewhere now. Mho mid Spanish Trail has been nut across and that is what we net out to do. Some fool stuff has brokon out in Louisiana that makes a convention now seem still more unlikely. T enclose a cony of letter just written; don’t know how illuminating it may prove. Dark alley attacks nro hard to handle. Hope you are keeping well. Sinooroly,