Judge Sr??. Scott, Jourdnnton, '.if ikbss ::;/ ■fleer Judge July 11, 1932 Govo ;;or.:.vj ago 'Japi. (Intelligence IXrpt. V.AAxvy) id . ycolf dropped in on vo-.; i.. L on feid;:: ti:s ancient Spanish trail fro:a < >» Jntonio southward. Caul, l-'okus, 3og:i t./eopltor, .iuo transferred to fordlga porta, and that lino of invostiga ion ’ropoyd. 1 want nor/ to oor.o back again rncl spend tine with you <.r co cone t’r.-ro v;Uc ic interested in auch things in your region; yourself or others . If t: ore is anyone dcon that ey very iwdi Intorestod, you v;i"i? law.:. Such a visit ay aoi be desirable -..' .11' i JLs so hot* oreover, X cannot Ia.tr.7 worthwhile wolves yea son fwor no with your cf.rioo. ‘ I hrw) :ach information to did not hy/o that first visit. 2 fcovo r.osooiates vm?’:?:..,; in various dir o' i- w:, r.-uticulorly right aw down tho riv v to Coliad, oil'’ •• .at '' ■■■'Mi:, (or f: so trails; end t’:e trolls thr.vgh .".tac.jcae two clocoly 0.3.00 r’r.tcd. ... sc ;d a typogrephi-.cl •'•:;• v't;: .tl:.;do (old .u iguol hivor -basin, 1 undorctand) in t. oonter. lou .'.ay inve such .sap. h bra® ft iopo* graph!ui ~aps of „oct of the gponich South, loros country. Tho real having .■.Gal nod its gateway thru Larodh. . .•w.s'dr.- cl:.', rlo coon died. ' n rlHorouc tHrillin;; ortiolec about the great ling's ilglavay tvavoas country to Presidio dol tic tire child's stuff. on higuel livor.... .tui Kiguelitoa....«tho river hacin with plonty of fish, good water, oto», tail 400 paces long, scats© to have boon an important. orfi (loo. 177?) describes it. 'Jolla (’ug.lVwB) toils cf it. br.ta fiina apparently corae up that way. .here arc indications that ris it r.;i tho ancient trail and on tnc .later fan ilntoni—-larodo rood. ■ho first troll was across fron tan gigool to about Pleasanton (near which v;an hi .".'tascono, tno haw Jose uiiaoion ranch), thon across to sorcr/2/ero r.oar tho place now shorn as So.; iguotin i loeion -.>f pleusantcn), then north thru ..oyada .. iucicn ranch, and across tho Lodi nr. (oast of Lcooya) then to hspada and Jea hntenio. A ton hiitonlo-ricrodo read apparently was that way for a tic©, than a later ban Aatonio-Larodo road oiitored haa hatonlo over tho proeont Go: orcot road. I don’t Icjw that t is okotched-outlino is wholly correct, but wo hwc :.npc, data, and are piooing tillage together slowly, and if possible to oloar uo iiifor-.atio . down your way it will to mighty helpful, o k! 2 a: euro, tiwjrty intorcstln- • GTHThlt 7OThI- Preoidont, Old Spanish Grail, Glnooroly,