OLD SPANISH TRAIL RESOLUTIONS At the convention of the Old Spanish Trail Association at Sto Augustine April 4 th, 1929, the following resolutions were adopt' ed expressing appreciation of the cooperation that led to the splendid success of all events: 1. RESOLVED* that the San Diego Chamber of Commerce and all cooperating organizations of San Diego be commended for the splendid way they organized the motorcade group which started from San Diegoo The personnel of that group made friends every where. The sportsmanship with which they cooperated with everyone was an important factor in carrying the motorcade across the continent with the steadiness of a railroad train,, helping appointments, arriving at all night stops, and all cars reaching St. Augustine on schedule. We all consider this a remarkable showing for a motorcade drive of 2800 miles and striking evidence of the progress made along this highway. 2. RESOLVED, that the absence ofColonel Ed Fletcher is keenly regretted. Tribute is hereby paid to Colonel Fletcher for the many things he has done in advancing the national highway movement. We recognise his helpfulness in starting this motorcade. The motorcade itself has aroused a new and vital understanding in the East of the pleasure and values of J^^^93gAhighway work and it will undoubtedly lead to a motorcade how to California starting from St. Augustine. So RESOLVED, that we express our appreciation of the inspirational talks of -Blwood Bailey and of his fine cooperation. His leadership and his helpfulness have been pleasant factors all along” the way. 4o RESOLVED, that we commend to St. Augustine and the Florida people the organization of a return motorcade to Journey to San Diego, California., accepting the invitation cordially and ' earnestly extended b® the San Diego Chamber of Commerce, the San Diego, California, Club, the Mayor of San Diego.rand the automobile Club of southern California, and the assurance of their representatives here at St. Augustine of an open-hearted California reception. 5. RESOLVED, that we compliment and thank the people of St. Augustine and their organizations for the success of the dedication ceremonies „ . SfcExwn-rRmnwiKKXJBgg and of their a once de Leon Celebration. Every one is pleased. The ceremonies v^ere unusually excellent. Also that we express our pleasure for the numerous courtesies extended the members of the motorcade party and the other delegates to St. Augustine. St. Augustine has won our hearts.