Fred B. Johnston, M. D. P. O. BOX B35 SAN ANTONIO, TEX AS April 19, 1930 Mr. H.P. Ayres, $ Old Spanish Trail, San Antonio, Texas. Dear Mr. Ayres: I am writing yon instead of Mrs. Drought because I feel I know you better and at the same time I am powerful proud of the honor that has recently been heaped upon you by the King of Spain. I would surely like to attend the reception for more than a million reasons, but you know the condition of my health is (?uch that I am absolutely unable to get out. I wish to congratulate you again upon this honor. I don't think many people in San Antonio or along the O.S.T. realize just what you have bee*''-up against. I shall depend upon you to explain fully to Mrs. Drought my reasons for not being there. I am just as great a beleiver in the Old SpaVnish Trail and you as I was while President of the Organization. Again wishing you the best of luck on earth, I am. Yotir friend.