IESIDENT—DR. F. B. JOHNSTON, san antonio. tex. MANAGING DIRECTOR-H. B. AYRES, dan antonio. tbx. vice presidents: secretary—Herbert bayliss. lake Charles, la. F LORI DA—F. W. MARSH, PENSACOLA. FLORIDA TREASURER-M. G. MCNAIR. GULFPORT. MISS. ALABAMA-JOHN CRAFT. MOBILE. ALABAMA F'E«-° ENGINEER-HARRY LOCKE, LOS ANGELES, CALIF. MISSISSIPPI —H. S. WESTON. LOGTOWN. MISS. DIRECTORS: LOUISIANA —MARTIN BEHRMAN, NCW ORLCANS. LA. S. H. PECK, MOBILE. ALABAMA EAST TEXAS—W. E. LEA, ORANGE. TEXAS R' H- FLEMING. NEW ORLEANS. LA. H. A. MCDONALD. BEAUMONT. TEXAS WEST TEXAS—WALTER SCHREINER. KERRVILLE. TEXAS j c q^UMGARTCN. SCHULENBURG. TEXAS WESTERN—A. H. GARDNER. TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA MRS. JULIE RIEGLER. SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS Schulenburg. Texas, August 28th., 1922 I was very glad to have your letter and of the success you had with the people east of the 'Mississippi. I hope the spirit will continue to the final completion of the project. The more I think of the great work to he done and the distance it covers, the sore I feel that we should proceed to have each state organise itself into a state unit, with its full quota of officers to look after matters and he responsible for its success. It would make matters work out better and I believe, create a spirit to accomplish it. This is especially tru of Louisiana, in as much as this particular state is peculiarily situated, I believe that if these people were given the opportunity through leaders of their own selection, they would very soon fall in line. In as much as we expect to hold a convention in Houston during November, I would suggest that you and Dr. Johnson take up the matter with the Motor League and other Associations down there to bring the matter before the Houston Fair Association, and designate an OLD SPANISH TRAIL Day during the fair to coincide with the date of the convention. I believe it would bring many people along the line down there to it and thereby renew the spirit of co-operation we need to carry on our plans. I believe it would work out fine. What do you say about it. Wishing you continued success, I beg to remain ^IldSpanishTrail FLORIDA TO .CALIFORNIA me O uf Span i s H-Tn afe — Headquarters, sam antomiO.tuas Mr. H. 3. Ayers San Antonio, Texas My dear Mr. Ayera,- Sincerely