Present Conditions Eastern Section—St. Augustine to San Antonio The eastern section, San Antonio to St. Augustine, is 00% paved; the remainder is good gravel, sand-clay or Another improved surface and well maintained except in t>' Baldwin County, Ala., east of Mobile Bay, where distress is possible in wet weather. New gravel road promised summer 192S. Ft. Bend County, Texas, between Rosenberg and East Bernard, has a paved and gravel detour to the north, adding S mi. Construction on the main line will last thru 192S. Only two ferries remain between the Atlantic and the -• Pacific, the Mississippi River at New Orleans and Berwick : Bay at Morgan City, La. The Mississippi River bridge is w financed and it is believed construction will soon begin; it will cost §10,000,000. The East has 00 to GO inches rainfall. The highway crosses the rivers and bays near the Gulf of Mexico; two-thirds of the drainage waters of the continent are crossed in this eastern section. Long and expensive bridges, numerous drainage structures and paved or gravel roads have been necessary to create an unbroken and all-weather highway. §54,000,000 have now been spent on this section or appropriated for construction in progress. Western Section—San Antonio to San Diego The western section, San Antonio to San Diego, is 31% paved; the remainder is good gravel or other improved surface, well maintained. This is a dry area with sunshine, hills, mountains and deserts, natural drainage and natural gravels. There are some short sections west not up to good standard for wet weather but distress rarely occurs for dry weather prevails and those sections then are fine, fast driving. When a storm does occur in the West it is apt to be heavy, caution then should be observed in all sections. §16,000,000 have been spent in the western section. FERRIES AND TOLLS St. Johns River, Jacksonville. Fla., toll bridge. 15c. and 20c for automobile and driver. Round trip 25c and 35c. Additional passengers 3c. Cochrane Bridge, Mobile Bay, §1.00 for automobile and«\\ driver. Additional passengers 10c each. IOV2 nii. Pascagoula River, Miss. Bridge, toll 50c*. Lake Pontcliartrain Bridge, east of New Orleans. §1.35 for automobile and driver. Additional passengers 10c. A 15 mi. project. NOTE—The Pontehartraln old Rigolets and Chef Men ten distance 0 mi. The Highway at the Chef and the Rigolets. Bridge takes the place of the r ferry route and shortens the Department is building bridges Mississippi River. New Orleans, 20c to 40c. Continuous O ' day and niglit. Berwick Bay at Morgan City. Ln.J 25c to 33c. Continuous day and night.