s mia tIlst this is t> Just oi , ;on ; i-SOI? .1 G xeoo3'i-~° poftoihle fro: •: the present st-1© os' tho S SSvitti SJtaS 5?tt &JJi Izooti i vo boon . .. . : ramising rv ^-3 .. •••*«* xigero* X"/i.ic. ting Vi tee -A'icld rxv; n?o * :xuo period of this siotomsmt is -Jaa*l—fJev.l) •■ ■ ivi JuXf-..ie-j, ■;. ..• .v. i, ,.XD;-irl, -■Cii apiGUttt BO':! I a’v.i;;:.-, if;0 ,.':vC I. t _V ?*«■;,, . fi'OZ, “ *• ooiXec bioac for travel r&ivj', about .Sov.iiO'jpsoii ; :v■■!;oa:'!.:"i';) collections. .About collactianc for tv-val au^g,, ohxridr, oic. , ISS(r«G.3IIBLfSS Ooja-.3d3.riiOiia to Shrsvo, :,Lo^:;jOZ..} hed&rioic,. about 4 SOO 00 PM.OollV salary, 5)2247 17; osqxmsos, 5)1330 07, 3 J>7!7 M Office help, rent, Incidentals, 1 846 37 .WnIi*;. aoatSj printing, returned eheshs, other h.alp, ate, 756 44 fI.:4 -.SM, haV3.u:.:i‘;v, .uoot.carvieciy, ,)100- 00; 100 00, 000 00 Kent paid Ouater Hotal !>; r.YMAvoa, ' 200 00 Printing iettorho-*;els, eastern fus.de,, 60 oo {About .OS 00 reported iu bunk, Joy. 1; ril £80 28 luvids vo;.’v> Boitt troiu She X.t la ■ vl fobru-ary to i.olp curry ' tliO 'hv duv ViCVa V. • . ■ ■ ' :u ire . ■ '.ah: : <••;•.:•./. The -ixig Director ■ ■; La i r oiae • ■■•.•■ ■ h iex ?itsey* ©t hevdOpood the r.:i hntonio oi'A'iv.e fve • : v of Mu :: . I ,- . ■ o:„ o. sac.„ and o :.atom itstAs vh&rosTeft; i-cluu^oi'. to »-"na ' ui*. X« v;> ever to ad.vr-.iea faadc to tUo Ajrloaly office, ' uovO;;X tvu r-o.-Moj;: r-.jrc i>.v^liable • 1 for ju.liv, "■ o!. rhea ■■ ■ ' ■ :•■ • i.-.t l..lu ir -u: o ’:5hih ia?;tr.'.-ioe of hitias the bend that fe.uu.::.. a ; . • o the itast is 'iJOl; C8, plus '140 00 to .■'•• l.-tollJ, popcoaal ea hi;.; h.:. following; Coiy’e or-tyB of iUotroo'3., unh plnh :' ill -v to i etv Hotel, for r©nt loll o’, .'ll,-' dlS'broSS tyiOi'yvu; \ o-tili Glo ■ : .vy'thr:.; to .-.f s;. ISO GO 3. o he.-.a avid Xva..- Saa .riIg:.?!;-. for lire SO SO v=.>A for lott'irlioaile for thy offico* lotal, Ofu ft -site vi/vou-uX eiiao'c to . .Sl’olp utru".. htiR;.... eater aS on iviL/ loo;-. .;:• ■ :•' - • 7;: • ^ tot the’ oboe Is to VGuiitar Eotal and . printisr^ ' re mot sat® The Smagiiig director c.. :t hi. ...oris befeev fire gentleman. ; to last, as ho:-.-otofoiv nt.tod, ; il eastern or ; evisoB, snfforoii tbesc adtemfcoo to adit Antonio, a-:1c tho i oliln:;tcn ni.-on;3 u-toadfj today rith •. eioor- sittto mono;; r.vc-.iIr'hlo for their roife. The . imaging Birootor himself tool hat .//CO 00 ia 191:1 f or sorvioao, glvln;-- oil Ms M:V«e; this that tho .rove, .ant night live thra that hsrd period, i’oi* tlio i&.iV 1031 ho hsu had ;1000 00 for sorvioas, a»-l is still VU£>ute the >250 00 he advaasofl to wiy TOBft the office rent, end. ho has snant : 450 00 since returning to sun Hnh$jMo yao!:iv;,j the iirssorvstirvi of tuiS project. It j.o Itvis oo»o deeisiorin x?ore rpaehod. lilio the nnaaeifci ..cciatance me being sent fron fcho loot the .. r ;.c-Idont, v;iUi CoXo'n <»o-oj>®ration, was hr-.ving noneys resolved £ro.n woo torn territrr-) detonited in another h'ml ami siahurcling it on his sig^-care atc^io, vXolat? U-'(J Oi>n.Gtitutiojj. uad .va kmv the ■ athoriautiarr uf f.'..o A;w: eoasfcitrtea offioiul;..., ith tho .-v.h*,:'a,a his octite-oi, o.ail other tiono, ho and Colp Jiavs boon £too to do tho itiorstlihl.*’ tfiings oho.Jii hi. talc report — and noro. hettore and toio/ronu waro sent to the h.-naging v-lrsotoar d-.i iotii.-. tad to dola-a his return to nbfdourrtors« ..i-opa-sandu. was aprosd afxmt vac.is that western territory had toon turned over to tiohnston oi’al oolp; at tv© roa v c.<. ,o iriorchunto v«ho wanted their uoeorants paid were told to write to tie . in^cing Director, and his address v/ao IdLndlj givens V.'UdT MUi THf HJiidDIJat