MI MUTES OF MEETING OF mw? jpvTpnpY BOARD OF THE 01,0 ppANT°H TRAIL ROOF 1,1,8, GUNTER POTEL, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1923 AT 4 O’CLOCK ?. M. The meeting was oalled to order at 4 o'clock p. x. by Chairman Chaa. Graebner, with the following members present - K. Weimar, '•bvv Beckman, H. p. Ayres, H. Matthews, D. F. Co ip, Percy Tyrrell Mr. W8im*r subtoitted a report of the 7J Y Aik.man Inc auditors made to the committee on audit and finance. The report was read in part and discussed by the members present. Mr. Wslxmar then submitted the report of the committee snd on audit and finance, which report was based ,-n the findings of the auditors' report referred to. The report was read. (Copy attached ) Mr. Tyrrell moved that Dr. Johnston be informed of the findings of the committee on audit and finance. The motion was seconded by Mr. Coin and was adopted. On motion of Mr. Weimar the committee adgeurned until Tuesday, Oct.11, at 4 o'clock p a \ I