4 POPULATION—NEW MEXICO Table 2.—Population of Principal Cities from Earliest Census to 1930 [A minus sign (—) denotes doorcase] INCREASE OVER INCREASE OVER CITY AND CENSUS Popula- rRECEI>1NG CENSUS C,TY AND CENSUS Popula* PRECEDING CENSUS YEAR lion YEAR tiOU -------------j---------- Number Percent Number Percent Albuquerque: Santa Fo: 1930............. 20,570 11,413 75.3 1930............. 11,170 3,910 I 54.4 1920............. 15,157 4,137 37.5 1920.............. 7,230 2,104 j 42.7 1910............. 11,020 4,782 70.7 1910.............. 5,072 - 531 -9.5 1900............ 0,23S 2,453 04. S 1900.............. 5,003 -5S2 j -9.4 1890.............. 3,785 1890...... 0,1S5 -450 -0.8 18S0............... 0,035 1,870 39.2 Boswell: 1S70.............. 4,705 130 2.8 1930............. 11,173 4,140 5S.9 1SG0 4,035 ............ 1920............... 7,033 801 14.0 1910............... 6,172 4,123 201.2 1900.............. 2,019 .............. Counties.—Table 3 shows the population of the 31 counties of New Mexico from.1890 to 1930, together with the land area in each county and its population per square mile in 1930. Two of these counties, Catron and Harding, have been organized since 1920 from parts of other counties. Of the 20 counties whose boundaries have remained unchanged since 1920, 19 increased in population and 7 show decreases. Table 3.—Area and Population of Counties: 1S90 to 1930 [A minus Sinn (-) denotes decrease) POPULATION Land area in 1930 ] Per cent of county square increase miles,----------- 1930 1920 ; 1910 1900 1$90 Total sQuare ““ miI° 1930 1920 Now Mexico.. 122,503 ^23,317 3.6 360,350 327,301 195,310 3 160,282 17.5 10.1 “ST“SS Chaves*........ 6,012 loisra o,2 *12,075 iofsso .I'm.................•■"S'. cS/rytig ,t| ?j;g fcjg "W -«& Do Baca I ..... 2,400 2,603 1.2 3,106 5 EddyljsS'-ioTw —oridr od - ».3 Grant JO......... 9S1 10^030 l.l 2l|iaS I’sS r's83 '"o'ijj' “Isl Guad:!,ul,c". 3,081 7,027 2.3 M15 li[o» ’gjfj I&j _2t0 Harding»....... 2,114 4,421 2.1 Hidalgo”....... 3,447 6.023 1.5 ""V.m..........................Tn'o...... r-.v....... 4,^78 0.144 1.4 3.545 .............. .................... Lincoln”....... d-770 7. 193 1.5 7,823 jfS*'"TiS''"'t'S!' - G "~m“ Luna ”......... 2,970 0,247 2.1 1^270 -jl? 213.0 McKinley".... 5,500 20.013 3.7 13,731 12 903 5 9 o,............. i'SJo '$53 ?S *■!•?!$ liim io.'soi’ "io'oIiT -2sls 10.3 |S ASS i! ,5Sg .l-ffi ............................... »? _&% Kio Arriba .... 5,8/1 21,381 3.0 19,552 1G.C24 13,777 11,534 ’ 9.1 17. G Roosevelt ”. .. 2,457 11,109 4.5 0,518 12 001 fiO 7 —45 7 Sandoval”...... 3,871 11,144 2.9 8 803 rw .......... « ,{ SanJunn.i ..... 5,470 14,701 2.7 8 333 8 504 "Ts2s"'Tfi9n' 7<44 -20 IXtSW ........... Jin H 24| 204 14 -U t>,,nlalC ..... I,9'J 19, oG7 9.9 15.030 11,770 14,058 13,502 30.2 1.8 See footnotos at end of table. NUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION 5 Table 3.—Area and Population of Counties: 1890 to 1930—Continued {A minus sign (—) denotes decrease] COUNTY squaro 1930* POPULATION 1930 1920 1910 1900 1890 Por cent of increaso Total Per square mllo 1920 to 1930 1910 1920 Sierra Socorro 37 Taos Torrance35 Union 34 Valencia 39 3.1 IS S, 028 3,369 3,877 5,059 5,184 9,011 14,394 0.209 11.036 1G, ISO 1.7 1.2 0.4 2.8 2.8 2.9 4,019 14,001 12, 773 9,731 16. CS0 13, 795 3,536 14,701 12,008 10,119 11,401 13,320 3,15S 12,195 10, SS9 4, 52S 13, 895 3, 030 9,595 9, SOS 13,870 12.2 -31.0 12.7 -4.7 -33.8 17.3 30.6 -4.7 0.4 -3.8 16.3 3.6 * Less than onc-tcnth of 1 per cent. 3 State total for 1890 includes population (0.CS9) of Indian reservations specially enumerated, not distributed by counties. 3 Part of Santa Fo annexed between 1890 and 1900; parts taken to form part of McKinley in 1901, Sandoval and part of Leonard Wood (now Guadalupe) in 1903, and part of Torrance in 1905. 3 Organized from part of Socorro County in 1921. « Organized from part of Lincoln in 1S91; parts taken to form part of Roosevelt in 1903 and parts of Do Baca and Lea in 1917; part annexed to Roosevelt in 1917. 3 Part taken to form part of Union in 1S93. 0 Organized from parts of Quay and Roosevelt in 1909. 7 Organized from parts of Chaves, Guadalupe, and Roosevelt in 1917, s Part taken to form part of Otero in 1899, and part of Luna in 1901. ® Organized from part or Lincoln in 1891; part taken to form part of Lea in 1917. » Parts taken to form part of Luna in 1901. and Hidalgo in 1919. 33 Old Guadalupe organized from parts of Lincoln and San Miguel in 1891; parts taken to form parts of Quay and Roosevelt in 1903, remainder, with parts of Bernalillo and Valencia, taken to form Leonard Wood in 1903. Name changed from Leonard Wood to Guadalupe in 1905; part taken to form part of Do Baca in 1917. 13 Organized from parts or Mora and Union Counties in 1921. 11 Organized from part of Grant in 1919, ctTcctivc Jan. 1, 1920. i‘ Organized from parts of Chaves and Eddy in 1917. 33 Parts taken to form Chaves, Eddy, and part of old Guadalupe in 1891, part of Otero In 1899, and part of Torrance in 1905. >« Organized from parts of Dona Ana and Grant in 1901. 37 Organized from parts of Bcrnnlillo, Rio Arriba, San Juan, and Valencia in 1901. «« Parts taken to form part of Union in 1S93. and part of Ilarding in 1921. >» Organized from parts of Dona Ana, Lincoln, and Socorro in 1S99. ” Organized from parts of old Guadalupe and Union in 1903; part taken to form part of Curry in 1909. 33 Part taken to form part of McKinley in 1901; part of Santa Fo annexed in 1902. ” Organized from parts of Chaves and old Guadalupe in 1903. Parts taken t 1909 and part of Do Baca in 1917. Part of Chaves annexed in 1917. 33 Organized from part of Bernalillo in 1903. 31 Part taken to form part of McKinley in 1901. ” Parts taken to form part of old Guadalupe in 1891, part of Union in 1S93, and part of Torrance in 1905. 33 Part annexed to Bernalillo between 1S90 and 1900 and part annexed to Rio Arriba in 1902; part taken to form part of Torrance in 1905 . 37 Parts taken to form part of Otero in 1S99, part of Torrance in 1905, and Catron in 1921. 33 Organized from parts of Bernalillo, Lincoln, San Miguel. Santa Fe. Socorro, and Valencia in 1905. 33 Organized from parts of Colfax, Mora, and San Miguel in 1893. Parts taken to form part of Quay in 1903, and part of liar ling in 1921. . . _ , , .. . 33 Parts taken to form part of McKinley in 1901, part of Leonard Wood (now Guadalupe) in 1903, and part of Torrance in 1905. > form part of Curry i Minor civil divisions.—The primary divisions of the counties of New Mexico arc known as election precincts. The election precincts include the secondary divisions which are incorporated as cities, towns, and villages. Tabic 4 shows the population of cacli county by townships, cities, towns, and villages for the last three censuses. The population of the cities, towns, and villages is shown in italics under the population of the precincts in which the places are respectively located. Where an incorporated place occupies two or more precincts or parts of precincts the total population of the place is given in connection with the presentation for the first precinct. Changes in the boundaries of election precincts and incorporated places between 1920 and 1930 are indicated by footnotes on Table 4; for changes between 1910 and 1920, reference may be made to the Reports of the Fourteenth Census (1920), Volume X, Table 53.