ANCIENT SPANISH GATES AT ST. AUGUSTINE The Old Spanish Gates at St. Augustine. Around the walls was a moat filled with water and a hedge of Spanish bayonet plants. A description in 1783 says entrance was by a drawbridge over the moat and thru the gate. The sentry boxes are visible nt the gate. Near by is old Fort San Marcos (Ft. Marion now) an interesting example of medieval castle ami fort, living quarters, barracks and dungeons. , 1,1 the ' nilfd States from a picture 1" “ r™ , ;«"*■ This is now a part of the property of the St. T s cI.m , 1I»M1"rl",I Society and liouseo many ancient relit Hhrnry „r „id Spanlsli lilstorv is housed in a »e» from a-l °"m l*rJI,e Luna landed nt Pen-sncolu Bay in 1559 with the largest expedition of them all, but Indian enmity soon drove him buck to Vera Cruz. 'While the Spaniards were exploring the Floridas other remarkable expeditions were moving northward from Mexico into Texas. New Mexico, Arizona and California. Santa Fe became the second oldest city in the U. S„ while others lay claim to existence back in the dim past.* When the thirteen states were fighting for independence Spain controlled an empire south anil west, and was building the California missions. Florida was Spanish until 1821, except for an English period 17G3-1783; Spain sold Old Louisiana lmck to France in 1800; France sold to the U. S. in 1803; Texas independence was won In 183G and that territory was annexed l»y the IT. S. In 1815. The Mexican War was 18IG-17. The New Mexleo-Arlzona-Southern California territory was reded to the IT. S. by Mexico In 1818. The Gadsden Purchase of part of southern Now Mexico and Arizona was in 1853. The five grent centers of mission and colonization effort of the Spaniards nre along the Old Spanish Trail—St. Augustine. Fla., San Antonio. Tex., El Paso—Santa Fe, Tucson—Nogales, Arlz., San IjIcto nnd the California coast. The Old Spanish Trail of today Is r* *n»ead binding together for all time the old Spanish history nnd legend of three and four centuries past. In these lands the padres sought riches to lay up In heaven nnd the eonquistadores sought riches for personal glory nnd often found disaster for their vain hut romantic search. Now n new race is finding riches in the crucibles of industry. 10 11 ✓ J ' OLDEST HOUSE IN THE UNITED STATES, ST. AUGUSTIN1'