6th. Parks should be kept up, planted with shale trees and flowers, have benches, running water and pi.=rs where possible*. Committees should oppose tourists camping in p irks, hanging out the cloth s and leaving trash behind them. This detracts from the Park and giv< a careless outlook to the town or country. / $ hrs. -itorn ashed if the Parliament would act on these recommendations as a body or refer them to the Resolution committee.General discussion as to whether the Parliament aould go into a permanent organisation or work as _ irt of the hod r .ted Clubs, hrs. J. C. Hyrick asked if thes Body must separate from the Federation so v.x 11 organized, hrs. I-. J. Friedrichs again urged th it this Parliament be careful of the word “-Federation"—-that we needed everj man, woman in this work and must exclude no organisation. ..r;,. Roy dan Bougies of ..,.w Orleans spoke eloquently on duplication of work and' against going into a permanent organism.t:h n of Old Bpunish frail—favoring Departmental work and having committees from Fad'rated Clubs to avoid the uphill work of a new organization. The Federation is willing to place its machinery at the disposal of 0 3. T. and moved that this Parliament of women resolve themselves in a department of .Federation. Mrs. ./• .7. Forwood asked A t the literature bs sent out through the Old Sp mish Trail and not fed i ition .it