M A N U FA CTURERS OF E. J. Busho TMcwok Gar Go* ]MOTCMF£ HTaS/dTCKIKliS 4517 West 26tv Street Chicago August 30, 1922„ lEr« H. 3. Ayres, Managing Director, The Old Spanish Trail Association, San Antonio, Texas. Dear Sir: Replying to yours of August 25th, I always found 1ft1. R. B. Thompson to be honest and dependable and he really did better in the Oklahoma and Texas territory for us than did any other man we ever had down there. I think if you will explain carefully to Mr. Thompson just what you want done and the general lines along which he will work, you will be very well satisfied with his performance. Yours very, truly, — g 7) General/Saies Manager DIAMOND T llOTCk CAR COMPANY EJB EM